Page 73 of Breakneck Hockey

A hiss exhales from my lungs. Fucking Christ. “Okay, Sutter. I’m sorry I spent a bunch of your money without asking you.” Not sorry enough not to do it again, but we don’t need to acknowledge that right now.



Smack! Smack! Smack!He carries on at the same rapid pace. I do my best to pry myself from his vice grip, but it’s not happening. My only out is his mercy. Not sure he has any just now. The good news is, I’m so fucking turned on and the burn across my cheeks is the right amount of agonizing and delicious.

So why am I trying to escape? See the part about the principle of it all.

“I said sorry. Why am I still getting it?”


Oh, yeah. Him. Truth be told, already forgot about him, but Sutter doesn’t need to know that.

“It would have been so hot if he were—ow, ow,ow, dude!”

He stops, but he lords over my ass like he’s the king of it, ghosting his hand over the areas he’s laid down handprints that might as well be branding marks.

“This is my ass, Alderchuck. Henry Otterhammer’s a dead man if he touches it.” He continues spanking me, but slower this time. The bastard’s enjoying himself, isn’t he? At least it doesn’t hurt so much when he spanks slower. I mean, yeah, it stings, but it kinda feels good, too.

“We had a deal, Sutter.”

“I told you that deal was bullshit.”

“And I told you that I do what I fucking want.”

His hand pauses on my ass and never has anything been so threatening. Oh shit. I’ve really got to learn to watch my damn mouth.

Sutter spanks my ass until I can’t breathe. Until I’m begging for mercy. Until I’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear so that he’ll fuck my ass instead of spank it.

“Okay. O-Okay, S-Sutter. Fuck. You fucking psycho.”

“Hate me all you want, kitten. I consider this ass mine. You want to fuck around, thinking your bullshit deal protects you? Fine, but this is the consequence.”

Oh God, oh fuck. His voice, the way his thick thigh squeezes my trapped legs. I’m squirming for another reason.

I get spanked until I collapse over his thighs, totally wrung out. The fight’s left me. My skin back there’s so heated, I could cook eggs on it. Alright. I’m ready to behave myself.

For a little while.

His hand stops its heyday, smoothing over the top of his latest handprint masterpiece.

“There we go. That’s a good little Alderchuck. Not so mouthy now, are we? Up.”

I must have lost my pants and boxers some time ago. Soon as he frees my legs, I’m able to spread them, straddle him, and whimper into his mouth. ‘Cause, yeah, the first thing I do is latch my—reformed for the time being—lips to his plump ones. My dick’s hard, all ready to go, humping against his bare torso.

“You enjoyed that too much,” he says.

“Wrong. Okay, maybe.” I maul his mouth some more as he toys with the crack of my ass, grazing over the highly sensitized skin. It sends a sinful jolt of arousal to my cock. “I love how riled up you got.”

“You really pissed me off, Alderchuck.”

“What do you think you do to me, you fucking cheap-shot asshole.”

He attacks my mouth with a vengeance, his tongue plunging inside as he flips us, pinning me on my back at the same time. “The spanking wasn’t enough, eh? You need to be fucked into submission, don’t you?”

Hell, yeah, I do. “Please.”