What he was saying last night’s starting to kick in. I won’t see him until either the end of the playoffs, or if Milton’s worst fears come to life and the world gets a Boston-Vancouver final.
“Sit your ass in that chair. You’re staying for breakfast this time. You stay for breakfast every time now.”
I’ve gone from zero to sixty. My brain has him moving in with me and clearing out closet space for him. I’m not crazy enough to voice that out loud just yet, but if he thinks he’s spending a day without me during the off-season, he’s wrong. Moving in together makes perfect sense.
“You’ve got your planning face on, Sutter. It’s worrying me.”
“Nothing bad. Here, eat a banana so you don’t get hungry waiting for breakfast.”
“First, you should know I’m already starving. Second, eating phallic-shaped food in front of you isn’t the move or I’ll never get real food. I’ll help myself to a light pre-breakfast snack from your fridge.”
Probably for the best, or all I’ll be feeding him is my cock.
I get a full spread in front of him as quickly as possible before his stomach eats itself.
“So how did Jack and Mercy do it when they weren’t working with the same team?” I ask, finally sitting beside him with my coffee. Yeah, beside him, not across. I want to be as close to him as possible. It forces him to shuffle
“It’s better now that they’re on the road together, but before that, it was video calls every day, whenever they could fit them in. Jack’s a lot happier with Stanley there, too.”
“They tote the baby around?”
“Actually, he’s almost one. Can’t believe that, but yeah. Two of Merc’s brothers travel with them too. They make it work. Besides, I swear to fuck, Meyers are born ready-made for the hockey life. Why? You trying to figure out us?”
I take his hand, which is a dangerous thing to do while he’s trying to eat, but this morning he’s willing to eat with the one.
He pauses. “Gotta say, I’m fucking shocked, Sutter. So far, you’re a decent boyfriend.”
“That feels like an insult.”
“It’s not. And I’m not gonna lie to you, you’re kind of a dick.” He’s smiling, though, so he must not mind that so much. But then he frowns. “We probably don’t have much choice other than to do video calls.”
“One of us could get traded,” I throw out there.
“Not me. I’m staying with my brother.”
“It can’t be me either. Boston was my dad’s team.”
Silence falls over us. I creep my fingers to fiddle with his hair, forgetting I tied it into a bun. Don’t like that. I’m ripping it out as soon as he’s done eating. I settle my big hand over his shoulder.
“Okay, then. Video calls it is,” I say. This is gonna suck. This is why I don’t do this. But this time I need to. I need to be with him whatever the cost.
Chapter 28
Heart Emoji Life
Ihave a boyfriend. Fucking Sutter is my boyfriend. That’s gonna take a while to wrap my head around. Everyone’s happy that we finally gave in, but no one likes the story of how it happened. I do. I like that it was fucking simple. Just Sutter pretty much telling me we were boyfriends and then owning my ass.
Sure, I said yes, but we were a done deal before that. Are we a good idea? No. Nothing about us ever was or ever will be. But I don’t give a fuck at this point. I’m falling too hard. Fuck. He’s such a possessive asshole. We’re gonna fight so much. A smile cracks my face.
“Stop thinking about your boyfriend and focus on the game, Alderchuck,” Rhett says.
I push him. He laughs, almost falling on his face. Of course, we’d play New York—Jack and Rhett’s team—the last day before the playoffs start. He’s a damn hypocrite. All he does is think about Logan. In fact, Logan’s here, waving from the stands,holding little Stanley who’s outfitted with earmuffs. His bestie Kam’s with them.
I get some good hits on Rhett later in the game just for being a prick. The penalty minutes are worth it.