Page 137 of Breakneck Hockey

“Yeah, how would you help me in Vancouver when you’re in New Jersey?”

“Don’t worry about it. I know people. They’d get to you in time.”

“You’d better not be fucking thinking of Lane,” I say. It gives me the boost of adrenaline I need to open my eyes and look Sutter in the face.

“If he’s the only one around who can save your ass, then yeah. But there are two other Curtis brothers, y’know.”

Here comes the part of the conversation where it has the potential to devolve into a huge fight—because I’d rather die than let Lane anywhere near my house. I hold grudges for a long-ass time generally. He fucked with me and Sutter, he’s lucky if I don’t punch his face in the next time I see him.

But what’s the world coming to? I don’t even have the energy to fight with Sutter.

“We’re gonna talk about that,” I threaten.

“You think so, eh?”

“I know so. Don’t know that anyone’s getting in here anyway with all the locks you put on the door,” I mutter into my pillow.

“Exactly. All of which are locked?” he checks.

Fuck.“I’m super sleepy, Sutter. Lemme sleep.”

“If I find out they’re not locked, I’m taking it out on your ass, Alderchuck.”

“They’re locked,” I lie, yawning. “Probably.” I wish I could resist fucking with him, but I can’t, even half dead. Even if it means handing him my ass on a silver platter.

“Just got a text from your brother,” Sutter says.

“You texted my brother?” I don’t know what’s more concerning, that he managed to get Stacey’s phone number at some point, or that I was out long enough for him to text my bro and get a response. “And?”

“They’re locked.”

“And I’m not in any trouble?”

“You’re definitely in trouble, Alderchuck but, knowing you, it’s something you’ll look forward to. Now keep them pretty eyes closed, baby.”

Chapter 27

As You Wish, Kitten


Alderchuck is the last thing that should be on my mind. I have real issues to deal with, the least of which is a promise I made to an impressionable teenager that I have no idea how to fulfill. The search for a family member is going cold. I’ve exhausted all my favors. They can’t stay with the Meyers forever. Or can they? Is that wrong? I can support them financially, but I’m so not ready to be a dad. The little one doesn’t even like me.

Know what? It makes perfect sense why I want to think of Alderchuck. He’s become the most uncomplicated thing about my life. When the fuck did that happen?

With all the shit that’s been going on, making my big move to make us official’s been put off. It’s not right, and I want to correct that before we move into the playoffs. Time’s running out on that end too. It’s March. We’re about a month and a half out from said playoffs.

My solution? I stay clear of Alderchuck. Why? Because now every conversation, every line of text, every interaction hasbecome about “is now the right time to ask him”? My head’s muddled with it “being the right thing”, while my dick and body agree that he’s fucking ours, so what’s the big deal?

My heart? It’s terrified. I’ve never been so scared in all my life and that’s saying something.

Never mind, I think I just succeeded in complicating Alderchuck, too. My life is officially a mess I can’t unravel.

On the Ice

Never mind the never mind. I found a distraction—Henry Otterhammer. I have a bone to pick with that motherfucker anyway, but he reminds me of his existence when I see him flirting withmyAlderchuck during warmup.

He leans in close, so I launch a puck in their direction. I don’t particularly care which one of them it hits, but it banks off Otterhammer’s helmet, so good for me. Casey looks up, the “oh shit” written all over his face. Sure, he wasn’t flirting back, but he’s so damn oblivious to how many men want him that it’s fucking infuriating.