Page 118 of Breakneck Hockey

Silence settles over us again. Has it been long enough that I can call Casey? Where the fuck is his text message? Surely, he’s home by now.

“Casey’s gonna hold a grudge for this, isn’t he?” Lane says.

“For the rest of your damn life.” My man has a hard time letting go.

“Nah. I’m charming as fuck. I’ll win him over. Bring him by some time.” Lane stands. “For now, let me handle the kids.”

“Charles called me.”

“Because you’ve got solid vibes that I may never have. It doesn’t mean he needs his life flipped upside down.”

I’d argue that Charles’s life may never have been right side up. “You’ve got till the end of the season, and then I’m taking action whether you like it or not, Lane.”

I don’t know what I’ll do, but I need to do something. Charles needs a constant source of certainty, not an ice-worn hockey player and his delinquent friend.

My phone buzzes. Alderchuck.


Made it to Jack’s house alive, Sutter. I hope Lane rots in hell, and honestly? Right now, you too.

He’s at Jack’s.My tense muscles sigh relief, unclenching, the steeliness fading away. I knew he’d go somewhere there was someone. If my suspicion is correct, he might not consciously know how much he needs people, but his subconscious knows it. He gravitates to his people, and they know to pull him in and smother him with their version of love.

Alderchuck’s probably bad-mouthing me to Jack this very minute, but at least I know he’s taken care of. Not like I’d take care of him, but it’ll have to do. He might need a week or so to cool off after this and that’s all he gets until I’m coming for him.

Chapter 22

Alderchuck Scores


Henry said he was down to fuck, even with my no-repeats rule. It was a bonus in his book. He’s one of those hockey guys more focused on his career than his love life, but every dude needs to scratch the itch. Tonight, it all sounds good to me.

I’m done. So, fucking done with Sutter. For real this time. Even if I’m not, I have to do something so that I can be. Since fucking him out of my system hasn’t worked, maybe I’ll—finally—find dick elsewhere. It’s been hard with Sutter sabotaging my every attempt either in person, like the time he abducted me, or the simple invasion of my thoughts.

Before I go back to lying to myself, I have to admit that I haven’t wanted anyone else’s dick. I haven’t been looking. Can’t even remember the last time I logged into my Benduovr account. Like a fool, I began to think Sutter was maybe giving a fuck.

As if he’s listening in to my thoughts, I get a call from Sutter, and it stands out because it’s not a text. I’m in the back of anUber on my way to Henry’s, I don’t have time for his shit tonight. But it’s about time he fucking called me.

This conversation better not lose me my five-star Uber rating. I’m an adorable passenger who brings snacks. Everyone likes snacks.

I’m not talking to Sutter right now because of our ridiculous fight, but it would be nice to hear him take some responsibility for it. Maybe he didn’t do anything this time—for once—but his behavior is the reason I’m on a hairpin trigger. And sure, he was hurt because all I feel are “I’m his sex doll” vibes from him, but it’s the truth. If he doesn’t want that to be true, then he should do something about it rather than being butt hurt.

“Rhett told me something interesting,” Sutter’s husky voice rasps.

Goddammit, Jack. Fucking blabbermouth. It’s one big game of telephone with Jack, Rhett, Logan, even Mercy now and then. Stacey, Dash, and Dirk aren’t any better. Okay, fine. I’m the worst one so I can’t complain, but I’m gonna anyway.

“Whatever Rhett said, he’s playing it up.”

“So you’re not going to fuck Henry Otterhammer?”

“Oh no, I am gonna do that.”

“The fuck you are. Cancel.”

I want to tell him to fuck off, but I’m not willing to swear in front of the Uber driver and ruin my rating. Also, this is delicious. Finally, Sutter in the palm of my hand. The wise thing to do would be to hang up and put my phone on silent, but that’s way less fun than what I’ve got cooking.

“Would you look at that, I’m almost there.”