“Number five isn’t something you like about me,” I complain despite the way my breath hitches and my heart skips a beat on the inside.
“That’s the PG version. They’re all the PG version. I’ll give you the adult list later, babe.”
Babe.Like we’re something. I don’t let go of him. I’ve still got feelings racing through me from earlier. New ones have piled on now that we’ve had this impromptu “meet my parents” session. I need the contact. Mr. Chaos bringing me peace.
Mom sets the largest sandwich I’ve ever seen her make before him. His eyes and smile widen at the same time. “Your mom knows how to make properly sized snacks, Sutter. You could take notes. Thanks, Marie. This’ll totally tide me over until after the game.”
She beams. She’ll have fun feeding him.
“Mitchell, a word in private before you go,” Ma says.
Fuck me.
Alderchuck laughs. “You’re in shit, Sutter. Christmas came early for me.” I growl at him. “I’ll just be in the car. Thank you for your hospitality,” he says to my parents.
“You’re welcome back any time, Casey,” Dad says.
“You’ll love my carbonara,” Mom says, speaking Casey’s love language. “I make the pasta from scratch.”
“Sweet. Yeah. I’ll be back if your son lets me.” He bites his lip, and his eyes slide to me briefly. “See yah!”
He gets to scamper out the door, away from danger, and I have to follow Mom to my doom.
I’m twenty-six, I have my own place, I’m a grown-ass adult, but none of that matters when Mom looks at me like she just did.
“I like him, son,” Dad says. “Good luck with your mom.”
“I thought you wouldn’t be home,” I say once he’s gone.
“And that’s a good reason for having sex in the shed? Because we weren’t here?”
“No, ma’am. I didn’t plan it. I swear. I showed him Dad’s bike and got emotional. Apparently, my emotions work themselves out through sex. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”
Her arms are crossed, but her features soften. “You really like him, don’t you?”
Heat creeps across my neck. Why is that so embarrassing to admit? It’s not like I’m twelve, though, maybe I’m emotionally stunted in that area.
“A bit, yeah.” I rub the back of my neck.
Her small hand catches my face. Her soft thumb runs over my cheek. “I’m happy for you.”
“Don’t get ahead of us. We’re not official, just dating.” Even the word dating is generous, but telling my mom we’re just fuck buddies is off the table. After what she just witnessed, she won’t believe me anyway. She’s already picking out wedding invitations in her mind.
She stands on her tiptoes to whack me upside the head. “Ow.Ma.”
“You’re lucky that’s all you get. What are you doing?”
“I know I’m being an idiot, but …” I take a deep breath. “Even I know having a someone means getting close with them. It’s hard for me to let people in. I’ll have to let him in, and it terrifies the fuck out of me.”
She nods. She knows.
“But I think Dad’s intervening,” I say.
“It’s like Dad sent him or something,” I say, voicing a thought I’ve barely dared to think. “I know it’s a stupid idea, but Casey keeps doing the unexpected. Too perfect.”