“Hey, no peeking, Sutter. I’m sure my application’s meant to be private.” He looks to my sister for confirmation.
“Yes,” she agrees. “My business with … what’s your last name again?” she whispers.
“Alderchuck,” he whispers back.
“My business with Mr. Alderchuck is personal and confidential.”
Great. They’re instant friends. Alderchuck’s a giant child, so once again he proves he’s good with kids. He smiles with smugness and covers his sheet so I can’t see. I try to pretend like I don’t give a fuck, but I wanna see.
Casey’s stomach growls again. I slide the plate of cookies toward him. “Eat before your stomach eats itself. Ma, do you have anything more than this?”
“Yep. Give me a sec and I’ll have sandwiches.”
“Do you need help?”
“Nope. Stay there. I’m enjoying this,” she says.
Proof that my mom is a sadist.
“I’m Francisco,” Dad says, setting coffee, cream, and sugar down for us. “Or, Sutter’s dad if you like.” He winks at Casey, probably to let him know all is already forgiven about the “incident”.
“Nice to meet you, Francisco,” Casey says.
The kitchen’s a little too quiet, but at least we’re not talking about what happened in the shed. I know what Mom and Dad are doing. They’re studying me as if I’m an animal in the wild. I’ve never brought someone home in my adult life. When I was a teen, sure, but not since then. They wished I would. They were worried that I wouldn’t find a special someone. But I wasn’t. I never planned for a special someone. Didn’t even want one.
But I think he found me anyway.
I run fingers through his hair and hand him a cookie. He absentmindedly takes it, munching on it while he pretends to be hard at work.
“Okay, done,” he says.
Isla takes the sheet. Her smile grows as she reads. “Same for me on number three,” she says.
Curiosity buzzes inside me. I’m itching to grab that sheet from her.
She laughs. “Yeah. Totally on number five. Okay, I accept your application. You can date my brother. I’ll write you out his care instructions.”
“That would be a relief if you wouldn’t mind,” he says.
“Gimme that.” I finally snatch it from her.
Number one: He’s super hot or handsome if you prefer.
Casey’s given up trying to steal the paper back. I trap him against me with an arm across his chest.
Number two: Good at kissing.I smile.
Number three: Good protector.My chest lifts.
Number four:He’s not just a good hockey player, he’s a great one. But never tell him I said that, okay?
I give Casey a squeeze for that one.
Number five:I belong with him.