I turn to see a man approaching, one I’ve seen from a distance over the several days I’ve been here. His smile is wideand gleaming. He's tall, tanned, with salt-and-pepper hair styled in a way that screams 'I'm trying too hard to look effortless.' His shirt is unbuttoned low enough to reveal a carpet of chest hair and what looks like at least three gold chains.
Cheese city.
"I'm Hans," he says, extending a hand. "The retreat leader. And you must be Ruby. I've heard so much about you."
I shake his hand, uncomfortable. "Nice to meet you. I was just asking about?—”
"The nature of our little paradise here?" he interrupts, his voice smooth as silk. "My dear, this Pura Vida retreat is a journey of sensual discovery. We believe that true enlightenment comes through embracing all aspects of our desires, free from judgment or shame."
Alrighty then. You do you, Hans.
He must see the skepticism in my eyes because he quickly adds, "But of course, sensuality is a personal journey. There's no wrong way to go about it. You shouldn't feel pressured to participate in anything that makes you uncomfortable. The partner swapping, for instance—it's not for everyone."
Partner swapping, right. That’s what those women were talking about in the library, and probably planning over their delightful little breakfast.
"I hear that, Hans,” I say with a smile.
I’m sure he thinks I’m the biggest square he’s ever seen. And I don’t care. He’s smarmy and creepy.
He places a hand on my shoulder, making my skin crawl. "My dear, you seem tense. Perhaps what you need is to reconnect with your body, to let go of these inhibitions holding you back."
"I have just the thing," he continues. "I'm leading a dance class this afternoon. A tantalizing fusion of sensual movement and expression. Why don't you join me? I'd be honored to have you as my partner."
The thought of pressing my body against Hans's chest rug snaps me out of my daze. "Oh, no thanks. I’m actually trying to leave early. And I’m a horrible dancer, anyway.”
"Nonsense!" Hans exclaims. "Everyone can dance. It's about feeling the rhythm, letting your body speak its truth. Come, I insist."
Before I know what's happening, Hans has my arm tucked into his and is leading me away from the front desk. I look back desperately at the clerk, but she just gives me a thumbs up and a wink.
As we walk, Hans chatters away about the transformative power of dance, the beauty of uninhibited movement, and something about chakras that I'm pretty sure he's making up. I'm only half-listening, my mind still reeling from everything that's happened this morning.
We approach a building I haven't seen before, the sound of rhythmic music pulsing from within. A sign reads ‘Sensual Salsa: Ignite Your Passion.’
Hans reaches for the door handle, but I suddenly can't take it anymore. The thought of going in there, of trying to 'ignite my passion' with this stranger while Chuck is off igniting who knows what with those women... it's too much.
"Sorry, Hans" I blurt out, pulling my arm free. "I forgot I have a... a thing. An important thing."
Hans looks disappointed, but not surprised. "Ah, I understand. The first step is often the hardest. But when you're ready to embrace your sensual self, you know where to find me."
He winks—actually winks—and disappears into the dance studio, leaving me alone.
Oh Chuck... God, Chuck. How could I have been so wrong about him? I thought we had something real, something special. But clearly, I was just another conquest, a way to pass the time until something more exciting came along.
I am getting out of here. For real this time. No more second chances, no more letting myself be swayed by charming smiles and sweet words.
I straighten up, squaring my shoulders. Okay, Ruby. New plan. Go back to the bungalow, pack your things, and get on the first shuttle out of here. Don't look back, don't second-guess yourself. Just go.
As I start walking, I try to ignore the little voice in the back of my mind asking if I'm making a mistake. The voice that wonders if maybe, just maybe, there's more to this situation than meets the eye.
But I push that voice aside. I've been naive enough for one vacation. It's time to go home, back to my safe, predictable life where the only surprises I have to deal with are overdue library books.
And if my heart aches a little at the thought of leaving Chuck behind... well, that's just something I'll have to get over.
I takeanother helping of the best eggs I’ve ever had and scan the dining room for about the tenth time.