Page 53 of From Wink to Kink

I'm about to head back to the bungalow when I spot a small building I haven't noticed before. The sign above the door reads ‘Library,’ and my heart leaps. Am I seeing things? Is this a joke? What the hell is a library doing in the middle of a jungle resort?

As if it were placed right here, just for me.

Maybe thisisa good place for a librarian retreat. Providing you come the right week.

I push open the door, inhaling deeply as I step inside. The familiar scent of books wraps around me like a comforting blanket. It's a small space, cozy, with overstuffed armchairs tucked into corners and soft lighting that makes everything inviting. Exactly the way libraries are meant to be.

I make my way to the nearest shelf, running my fingers along the spines of the books. Something feels... different. The titles aren't in alphabetical order, which immediately sets off alarm bells in my librarian brain. I lean in closer, squinting to read the titles in the dim light.

Passionate Encounters. Forbidden Desires. The Art of Seduction.

Oh. I get it now.

This is a ‘special’ library, as my friend Matthew would say. Every single book is an erotic novel. Because of course. Why would one expect anything different from a place that offers naked yoga?

I consider leaving, but ask myselfwhy? Why the hell shouldn’t I enjoy what this little library has to offer?

Instead, I find myself pulling a book off the shelf calledMidnight Rendezvousand settle into one of the plush armchairs in a secluded corner. Within the first few pages, I realize… wow. Okay. This is... descriptive. And hot.Reallyhot.

I'm so engrossed in the book that I almost miss the sound of the door opening. I freeze, suddenly aware of how this must look—here I am, tucked away in a far corner with barely enough light to read, face probably as red as my hair, clutching an erotic novel like it's a lifeline.

But the newcomers don't notice me. Two women enter, speaking in hushed tones. I shrink further into my chair, hoping to remain undetected. I'm not one for eavesdropping, but something about their furtive manner piques my curiosity.

"Did you see him at the pool yesterday?" one of the women says, her voice breathy with excitement. "He's gorgeous. Those arms... that ass..."

The other woman giggles. "I know! I can't believe he's here with that mousy redhead. Did you see her? Flat as a board and about as exciting."

My stomach flips with indignation. Are they talking about me? And Chuck?

"I don't know what he sees in her," the first woman continues. "She looks like she'd rather be curled up with a book than... well, you know."

If they only knew.

I'm about to stand up and give them a piece of my mind when the second woman speaks again, her voice dropping even lower.

"Well, I think I might have a solution to that problem," she says, a note of smug satisfaction in her voice. "I approached Chuck last night while little miss librarian was off somewhere. And let's just say... he seemed interested."

Bile rises in my throat and my blood runs cold. Chuck? Interested in someone else? After last night?

"No way!" the first woman exclaims. "What did he say?"

"Oh, you know, he played it cool. But I could tell he was intrigued. I made it clear that my husband and I are... open to new experiences. Told him we'd love to have him join us. My husband's had his eye on the redhead anyway, so it works out perfectly."

I'm going to be sick. This can't be happening. Chuck wouldn't... would he?

"So what's the plan?" the first woman asks.

"Well," the second woman says, her voice dripping with satisfaction, "I told him to meet me here in the library this afternoon. Figured it was the last place his little woman would think to look for him. You know these jock types. They’re too dumb to read. But not too dumb to fuck!” she cackles.

I clap a hand over my mouth to stifle a gasp. This is too much. I’m going to be sick.

But I'm trapped. If I move now, they'll know I've been listening. And as much as I want to confront them, to defend myself and Chuck, I'm suddenly paralyzed.

Would he really do this? We've only known each other for a few days, it’s true, and last night was amazing. But... maybe it didn't mean as much to him as it did to me. Maybe I'm just another conquest, a vacation fling to be discarded as soon as something more exciting comes along.

Holy shit.

The women continue chatting, oblivious to my presence and the turmoil they've caused. I sit, frozen. They discuss in graphic detail what they'd like to do with Chuck, each word twisting in my gut like a sharp knife.