"Chuck," I say, taking a small step back. "And this is Ruby."
Jazz finally deigns to look at Ruby, her gaze raking over her in a way that makes me want to step between them. "Well," she purrs, turning back to me. "Didn't you bring a delectable little treat!”
I feel Ruby stiffen beside me, and I'm about to say something when Jazz's hand finds its way to my bicep again, squeezing appreciatively.
"My, my," she coos. "You must work out."
Before I can react, Ruby's hand shoots out, slapping Jazz's hand off me. "Hey. Haven’t you heard not to touch people without their consent? Jesus, lady,” she hisses, hooking her arm through my elbow.
I blink, stunned. Did Ruby just... stake her claim on me?
Jazz looks between us, a predatory smile spreading across her face. "Oh, I see. Well, if you two ever want to... expand yourhorizons, you know where to find me." She winks and sashays away, leaving us in stunned silence.
For a moment, neither of us speaks. Then I manage to get my voice back.
"What the hell was that?" I ask, turning to Ruby.
She's blushing furiously, not meeting my eyes. "What do you mean?”
I tilt my head. “You know very well what I mean, Brooks. Don’t pretend you don’t.”
She avoids my gaze. I get it. She’s embarrassed. “I... I don't know,” she shrugs. “I just reacted. Sorry."
"Sorry?" I repeat, incredulous. "Ruby, you just saved me from being eaten by Pura Vida’s scariest predator. If anything, I should be thanking you."
She looks up at me then, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Well, when you put it that way... you're welcome, I guess."
We start walking again, the silence between us not at all uncomfortable. As we reach our bungalow, I can't help but wonder what just happened. Ruby defended me. Ruby, who up until a few hours ago could barely tolerate my presence, just staked her claim on me in front of a very persistent would-be seductress.
It's... confusing. And little exciting, if I’m honest about it.
As we get ready for bed, taking turns in the bathroom and studiously avoiding eye contact, I find myself replaying the events of the evening. The laughter over dinner. The way Ruby's eyes sparkled. The feel of her hand on my arm as she pushed Jazz away.
I shake my head, trying to clear it. This is dangerous territory, Newcomb. She's your teammate's sister. She's made it clear she's not interested. And yet...
As I settle onto the couch according to our alternating sleeping schedule, I can't help but steal a glance at Ruby. She'salready in bed, her red hair spread out on the pillow, her breathing slow and even.
I close my eyes, willing sleep to come. But my mind keeps drifting back to that moment, and the fire in Ruby’s eyes telling the other woman to fuck off.
Suddenly, her voice cuts through the darkness, soft but clear. "Chuck? Are you awake?"
My eyes snap open, heart racing. "Yeah," I whisper back. "What's up? I thought you were already asleep."
There's a pause, long enough that I start to wonder if I imagined her voice.
And just like that, I know sleep is going to be a long time coming. Because whatever Ruby Brooks has to say, I have a feeling it could change everything.
I lie in bed,staring at the ceiling, my mind racing. Did I really just invite Chuck to talk? What was I thinking? What am I even going to say?
Before I can formulate my next coherent thought, a loud groan emanates from the direction of the couch.
"Chuck? You okay over there?"
Another groan, followed by the sound of shifting fabric. "Yeah, just... this couch wasn't made for someone my size. I think my legs are becoming one with the armrest."