Page 33 of From Wink to Kink

The thought catches me off guard, and I quickly look away, focusing intently on my own meal.

What the hell, Newcomb?This is Ruby. Tyler's little sister. The girl who's made it clear she can barely stand to be in the same room as me. Get it together.



The chocolate dessertmelts on my tongue, rich and decadent. Across the table, Ruby lets out a small, appreciative moan that does funny things to my insides. I push the thought away, focusing instead on how surprisingly pleasant dinner has been.

As the waiter clears our plates, I see that Ruby's posture has softened. The rigid, 'I'd rather be anywhere but here' vibe she's been giving off all day has mellowed into some kind of chill.

"So," she says, swirling the last of the wine in her glass, "I have a confession to make."

I lean back in my chair, eyebrow raised. "Oh? Do tell, Brooks. You secretly enjoying my company?"

She rolls her eyes. "Don't push your luck, Newcomb. No, it's about earlier. On the plane."

"The plane?" I say, confused. "What about it?"

Ruby takes a deep breath, like she's steeling herself for something. "I... may have seen you. On the flight."

I blink, processing this information. "Wait, you were on my flight? Why didn’t you say hello?"

She flips her fork between her fingers, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. "Oh. You know. You were preoccupied with your adoring fans."

"Ah," I say, remembering the flight attendants and their not-so-subtle flirting. "About that..."

"Yeah," Ruby cuts in, her tone sharp. "What was that about? Pushing off the plane first like some kind of VIP. Real classy, Newcomb."

I hold up my hands in defense. "Whoa, hold on. That wasn't my idea. The flight attendant suggested it because my seat mate wouldn't leave me alone. Seriously, she practically jumped in my lap."

Ruby's eyebrows shoot up. "Oh. Really?"

I nod, remembering the uncomfortable flight. "Yeah, it was... not great. I mean, I'm used to some attention, but this was next level. She kept 'accidentally' spilling her drink on me so she could help clean it up."

To my surprise, Ruby laughs. It's a warm, genuine sound.

"Okay, okay," she concedes. "I guess I can forgive you for that. But only because the mental image of you being molested by an overeager fan is so funny."

I clutch my chest in mock pain. "Your sympathy is overwhelming, Brooks. Really."

She grins, and I'm struck by how different she looks when she's relaxed. Her eyes sparkle with mischief, and there's a softness to her features I’ve never seen.

Why she hides this side of herself, I do not understand.

"So," I say, leaning forward. "You saw me at the airport. Were you following me, Brooks? I knew my animal magnetism was irresistible, but stalking? That's a new one."

She snorts, an undignified sound that somehow manages to still be kind of cute. "In your dreams, Newcomb. No, I was just trying to avoid you.”

“Too bad. I could have given you a ride in my limo. I take it the local bus was an… adventure?”

She groans, dropping her head into her hands. "It was... an experience."

I can't help but chuckle at her expression. "Come on, it couldn't have been that bad."

Ruby peers at me through her fingers. "One lady offered to sell me a chicken. Alivechicken."

I blink. "I'm sorry, what?"