I need to go home, back to my safe, hermetically sealed, spider-free library. Back to a world that makes sense.
But as I hear Chuck's concerned voice through the door, asking if I'm alright, I can't help but smile. Maybe, a little chaos isn't such a bad thing after all.
I'm still not doing naked yoga.
Next morning,I wake to the sound of birds chirping outside our bungalow. The night passed peacefully, with minimal exposure to terrorizing insects and no sign of the giant freak of a spider Ruby was convinced might try to eat her.
For a moment, however, I'm disoriented, the unfamiliar ceiling above me a reminder that I'm not in my own bed. I spent a long time awake last night, trying to keep from reaching out, yanking Ruby to me, and finishing what we sort-of started in the hot tub.
As the events of the past couple days come rushing back, I have to smile.
Who knew? I mean seriously. Who the fuck knew?
Ruby. The hot-as-fuck nerd librarian younger sister of my teammate, whose dirty looks could kill. The trust falls, the spa day, the body painting...
Sexually frustrated is not an adequate enough description to cover the way I’m feeling. Neither is blue balls.
I don’t blame Ruby, not one bit. It’s her right to say no at any time and my responsibility to listen to her. And I don’t blame her for freaking out over the spider. Hell, I freaked out myself. It was a big bastard, the stuff of nightmares, even for a big guy like me. I looked it up before bed and found out it’s called a goliath birdeater. I would happily have lived my entire life without encountering one of those suckers.
My train of thought screeches to a halt as I realize the room is too quiet.
Where the hell is Ruby?
I sit up and scan the bungalow. Ruby’s side of the bed, on the other side of our trusty border pillow, is empty. And cold.
And her goddamn suitcase is gone.
Something hits my stomach, hard, and it dawns on me what this means.
She fucking left. Without saying fucking goodbye.
Ain’t that some shit.
I'm out of bed and throwing on clothes faster than I've ever geared up for a hockey game. As I burst out of the bungalow, I'm not sure what my plan is. Find Ruby? Convince her to stay?
Maybe grab her by the hair and drag her back to our room?
Why do I even care?
I race toward the resort's entrance, dodging happy couples, and there she is, standing by the shuttle stop, suitcase at her feet, looking like she might be trying to convince herself this is the right decision.
Or is that wishful thinking on my part?
"Ruby!" I call as I jog to her.
She turns, surprise all over her face. "Oh. What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," I say, trying to keep my tone light despite the strange ache in my chest. "Sneaking offwithout saying goodbye? I'm hurt, Brooks. You think that’s cool, especially after all we’ve been through together?"
She has the grace to look sheepish. Or maybe she really does feel badly.
Hey, I’m not above using guilt to get what I want.
She looks around for the van to save her. It’s nowhere in sight. "I... I didn't want to wake you. And I thought it might be easier this way."