Exactly on the hour,I’m called back to my new shrink’s office. After giving the couch a sneering glance, I sit in the chair and look expectantly at him as if he can solve all the world’s ills, including mine. He looks back at me with a grave expression, as if I just murdered someone, and asks me to tell him about myself. I realize this is going to suck just as much as I figured it would.
I shrug. “I thought my agent BJ would have filled you in.”
“He did, but I want to hear whatyouthink the problems are,” he says slowly and evenly.
Ugh. Just like in the movies.
“I know I have a temper. Sometimes I act before I think,” I reply honestly.
“And that temper isn’t always contained to the rink. Why do you think your temper is so short?
“I never thought about it. Because it just is?” I answer. “Genetics?”
“Not necessarily, but we can discuss that more. You need a hobby. What do you like to do for fun?
I have to think about this for a minute, and then I smirk. “Cardio. You know, like Henry Cavill.”
“Like Henry Cavill? The actor?”
I wait for realization to cross his face. It doesn’t happen.
“Sorry doc. That’s a euphemism. For sex.”
Damn if I don’t finally get a smile out of him, and for some reason that makes me grin, too. Maybe this won’t be so bad.
“I know it’s a euphemism, Chuck, and a well-timed one. I’m glad to know you enjoy a healthy sex life. But for now, why don’t you tell me what else you like to do for fun?”
“Umm… I like hockey. I work out a lot. I read.”
I consider telling him about the porn I watch, but figure he knows enough about me already.
After a couple beats of silence, he speaks again. “That’s it?”
When I nod, he continues. “That may be part of the problem. I know practice and games and all that take up a lot of your time. However, hockey is not a hobby. Working out is related to your job, so while I know you enjoy it, you need something else. Reading is a good escape, keep doing that, but try to find another outlet as well. When was your last vacation?”he asks hopefully.
I cross my legs and think back. Surprised, I say, “Huh. I can’t really remember. Maybe a couple years ago?”
“That long?”
“I haven’t felt like traveling when I’m home here in San Francisco because of all the time we’re on the road during the season,” I explain. “But I didn’t realize it had been so long.”
“Mmm. I think a good vacation, a little time away to relax could help you start the healing process. Why don’t you think about it and write down three or four places you’d like to go. We’ll meet again next week and talk about it some more.”
“Coincidentally, doc, a teammate just suggested I go on some crazy Costa Rican wellness retreat.”
His eyes widen. “Well, that’s great. When are you going?”
“I… didn’t say I was. Not sure it’s my kind of thing. I mean, if I have to take off for a bit, you know, I’d rather climb a mountain or go white water rafting on category five rapids. That’s more my speed.”
He nods thoughtfully and writes something down. I thank him, make an appointment for my next session, and head back to the rink.
I’m early so I grab a protein bar and a bottle of water. A few of the guys have arrived already, and I greet them, laughing as I listen to them bust on one another and, of course, me. I give as good as I get while I change into loose shorts and a t-shirt.