Cole: Don’t feel bad about that either.
Adriana: How did you know what was going through my head?
Cole: Because I know you. And for the record I like our bubble. I want to be in it as much as I can when I am not on the road.
Adriana: How am I supposed to deny you bubble time?
Cole: You don’t without good reason?
Adriana: I’ll see you in a few minutes. We can talk about it.
I know I have a cheesy ass grin on my face because I feel how wide my smile is.
“What did Cole say?” Dani asks.
Busted. I was hoping since it’s dark out that neither of the girls would notice.
“He asked me if I would spend the night at his place tonight because he wants to spend as much time in our bubble when he’s not on the road.” I tell them.
“That’s fucking adorable. What did you say?” Heather asks.
“That we will talk about it. I think he forgets Dani is staying with me. I can’t ditch my girl.”
“Oh yes, you can. I can stay at your place just fine on my own. Besides, I have to leave early in the morning to get home to pack for my flight.” She responds.
“That’s right. Ugh, I’m sorry D, I’ve been such a terrible friend lately. Love you, adore you, and promise to be better.” I tell Dani.
She laughs at me. I knew she would. She doesn’t hold that stuff against me, ever. Nor me with her.
“Adri, you’ve had a lot of changes going on over the past six months. I don’t feel any type of way about it. We have gotten to spend more time together than we have ever before. I know you care. I don’t question that. We don’t have to talk every day for me to know that we are best friends. It’s not like I told you me and the firefighter were serious. We had just started dating. You know that if it was, I would have brought it up when we first talked about your date with Cole.”
I know she’s right, but I still feel bad that I didn’t ask.
“Stop it.” Dani demands.
“Stop what?” I ask.
“Beating yourself up. Don’t forget, I know you like the back of my hand. You always want the people you love to know you care. I get that. I know you care because no matter what you were doing, if I called at three am and said I needed you, it wouldn’t be a second thought for you to ask where I was. So, no, don’t beat yourself up over this tiny shit. We are good, babe. I love you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for being my sister from another mister.” I tell her.
“You are welcome. Now don’t ask me again if I’m okay with you staying at Cole’s tonight. If you don’t, we’re fighting.” She says and puts up her fists.
“Fine! I’ll let him know when we get to the bar.” I agree, shaking my head and laughing at her antics.
“Oh Dani, how about we have a sleepover at my place? We can watch the last two Twilight movies.” Heather suggests.
“Done deal. We can compare our commentary notes.” Dani says.
We all laugh at this just as we are pulling into the parking lot. Heather parks in the spot next to the guys. We meet them at the back of the truck where they’re waiting.
Cole holds my hand while we walk to the door of Lucky’s. Heather and I were excited to find this place because it has an old school feel. They do karaoke twice a month, have live bands perform throughout the month and always have a drink special running.
The rest of the team shows up in waves. Most of the guys head to the bar first. Not King though. He goes straight for the sign-up sheet. I chuckle to myself.
We find a table for Heather, Ty, Cole, King, Dani, Dean and I to sit at. Cole and Ty aren’t drinking even though there isn’t a game tomorrow. I commend their dedication to the game.