“That’s what I thought. To be fair, I didn’t sleep that much either because I couldn’t wait to see my best friend.”
We bullshit about Dani’s job while we drive, and we arrive at her place twenty minutes later.
Dani lives in a picturesque brownstone in Midtown. It has three floors and suits her. I love coming to visit her. New York City is such a magical place. If you ask her it’s meh. But I guess that’s how most people feel about their hometowns, me included.
We head inside and I’m yet again in awe of the architecture. The original hardwood floors are in pristine condition, the crown molding lines the entire ceiling and there is even some exposed brick in the kitchen.
After taking it all in, I go straight to the extra bedroom Dani calls mine. Just as I finish unpacking my luggage, the doorbell rings, letting me know that our food is here. Meeting Dani in the kitchen, we make our plates before sitting down on the couch in her living room.
“So.” Dani starts. Are you feeling nervous or excited?
“I’m really, really, both! I know I’m such a dork. On one hand, I’m nervous because this is my dream job and honestly it would hurt not to be hired. But on the other hand is my excitement because it’s in a new place, closer to you and feels like the change I’m looking for. This opportunity could really shake things up for me. I’m so tired of feeling stuck in all aspects of my life, you know?”
Dani looks at me and shakes her head up and down since she is swallowing her mouthful of lo mien. “I do and I’m trying not to get too excited because it would be amazing to have my bestfriend in the same state instead of across the country. It is my wish to see you grow and overcome your blahness. I love you and just want to see you happy. I know that life has been hard, but it’s going to turn around. You are this strong, intelligent woman and deserve the world. I refuse to let you settle for less.” She takes a breath. “So, what time is the interview? Where do you have to go for it, and what are we wearing?” She asks.
“It’s at eleven am, thankfully, so I have time to get ready and make sure I’m prepared. I’m meeting the interviewer at her home. It’s close to Times Square. I think if I leave by ten fifteen am, that’ll ensure I get there about fifteen minutes early. You know how I’m about timing. And when we’re done eating, we will figure that out.”
“Yeah, I know Adri. I will definitely help with picking out the right outfit. When you’re done, let me know and I will head home so we can celebrate and have bestie time! I’m putting it out there,you are moving to NYC!” Dani says adamantly.
We catch up on the few shows that we both watch together. I forgot what it’s like to have a chill night in with a friend. It’s refreshing to just laugh and talk about any and everything under the sun with someone who enjoys your company. This is what has been missing for me back in Colorado these last four months. The feeling of loneliness has been a dark cloud, and the sun is starting to show.
We finish eating and head back to “my” room. I pull out the options that I brought to wear and let Dani look at them.
“Good options, boo. We need you to knock this out of the park. Let’s make you classy, yet fun and professional.” Dani says as she is pulling each clothing item up to look at them.
She picks up the v-neck short sleeve top and looks at me.
“Ma’am. No, this is a little slutty with your boobs.” Dani is laughing so hard.
“Well, I brought that to give to you! Because bitch, you’re right, my boobs are too much for that top.” I laugh and nudge her with my shoulder.
Dani decides on a pair of black slacks and a pink button up with three-quarter sleeves and a black blazer to go with it.
With my outfit picked out, we say good night. It’s still early, but the traveling and excitement from today are starting to take its toll on me. Needing to ensure I’m well rested for tomorrow and not jet lagged I anxiously lay down hoping I’m able to fall asleep quickly. Setting the alarm on my phone and playing Candy Crush to relax has my eyes closing. Sleep comes easily.
Waking up a few minutes before my alarm goes off, the first thought that runs through my head is that today is the day! Staring at the ceiling, the weight of my hopes and nerves wash over me. The alarm goes off and I’m quick to silence it.
Getting out of the bed to go to the kitchen when I see a note from Dani letting me know she sent me a gift card for Starbucks in my email to buy breakfast. She also left her “lucky” pair of black Christian Louboutin kitten heels to wear with my outfit.
Sheesh, how did I get so lucky in the best friend department?
Two hours later, it’s 9:45 when my feet are slipping into Dani’s good luck present. Grabbing my tote that has my resume and notebook, I give myself a once over in the mirror before walking out the door.
Damn, I look good. Today is the day that I take the bull by the horns and make the world my bitch.
I have already set my maps to lead me to the closest Starbucks. The storefront appears after a quick five-minute walk through the streets of Midtown. After securing my breakfast, I quickly hail a cab and the driver drops me off near the center of Times Square. It’s as you’d imagine it. There are throngs of people moving in every direction. You can hear a mix of construction, music and the sizzle of fresh hot dogs hitting theirgriddles when passing the street vendors. The spring air mixes with the scent of the city and it rejuvenates my soul.
Moving a little quicker from the rush of my surroundings, there are ten minutes remaining when I arrive for my interview.
Walking in to speak with the concierge, one can tell this building is fancy. They sit behind a granite desk in a three-piece suit.
“Good Morning Ma’am. How can I help you?” They ask standing up from their chair.
“Good Morning, Adriana Johnson here to see Miss. Heather Evans.”
“Thank you. One moment, please.” He tells me.
Picking up the phone on the desk, he calls her. Deciding to turn away so it doesn’t seem that I’m nosy, I move a few steps away towards the seating area.