Page 19 of Stealing Home

“You didn’t seem too surprised when I showed you where Cole was going to be living. Why is that?” she questions me.

“Yeah, he mentioned it when I asked where he lived when he picked me up from the airport.” I answer her.

“Huh, interesting.” Heather ponders out loud.

“Huh, what?” I push for more from Heather.

“Cole doesn’t give up personal information like that easily. I think he likes youlikes you. He told you about him moving next door and he hugged you in public when you were clearly upset and the media could have captured a photo, but he didn’t give two shits.” She lays out for me.

I don’t know how to feel about what Heather is saying. Would a guy like Cole even go for a normal woman like me? Do I want him to like me? Of course, but is it something I really could handle right now or want to? I don’t have a damn clue. What the hell has Heather started? The man in question hasn’t even said anything to me to make me think he’s interested. He could always tell the media who I’m and that I just work for Heather and he was being nice. It doesn’t have to mean anything.

“Oh no. I hope there was no media.” I whisper.

“Why?” Heather asks me.

Oh shit, I said that out loud.

“Honestly, if they did, then it would turn into who is that woman and why is she around. I’m not eager to have my name or picture to be in the media for people online to have an opinion of me. Especially because they don’t know me. Does that make sense?” The alcohol is really settling in now.

“Listen, the media can suck and I’m sorry we didn’t talk about it before the game outside of the media we had invited for the event. It’s the worst part and I hate it. When Ty and I first started dating, they shredded me to pieces since I was just a “normal” person, so it definitely makes sense to me.The thing is, it’s bound to happen at some point. Whether it’s with me or all of us or whatever. With that being said, we have a public relations person and so does the team. We can use them if needed at any time. You also have all of our numbers if you are ever cornered alone that you can use for help.” Heather enlightens me.

“How the fuck did I get so lucky? Thank you, that actually makes me feel better.” I say and go to hug Heather. She returns the hug, and it’s so nice to have a friend who listens and acknowledges my feelings and thoughts.

“I told you I had a good feeling that we were going to be friends.” Heather playfully says.

We go back to watching tv. A few episodes and drinks later, Heather’s phone goes off.

“It’s Ty.” she says and goes to answer. “Yes, husband? It’s that late already? Okay, will you come walk me home? See you then.”

Heather looks over at me. “I guess it’s late, and he misses me. So I’m making him come walk me home.” She laughs and between her statement mixed with the alcohol, it makes me join in.

“As he should!” I look at the time and realize it’s after midnight. “I can’t believe it is this late. It appears that what they say is true. Time flies when you’re having fun. Thank you for coming over and hanging out tonight. It was much needed after today.”

“Pppfftttt. What are friends for? Thank you for having me. I’m excited for more night like this.” she exclaims.

“Me too. We didn’t even get to eat our ice cream.” Sadly, I comment.

“Next time! I know where you live.” Heather says and we both crack up laughing again until there is a knock at the door.

We both get up and head to the kitchen. Heather opens the door and Ty walks in and to the side because Cole walks in right behind him.

Oh fuck.

My mind goes into overdrive. I’m in sweats and a t-shirt and this is what this man is seeing me in, at least my hair looks cute.

“Hello Ladies, how was your evening?” Cole asks.

“Girls’ night in was a success. How about you, gentlemen?” Heather replies.

“We got to watch a hockey game on tv so it was a good night.” Ty answers his wife.

“Sounds like a good night for all of us.” I say.

“Come on wife, let’s get home.” Ty states.

“Thank you again for having me, Adriana. I enjoyed today and hanging out.” Heather tells me.

“No, thank you! This was much needed. I’m so happy to be here and working with you on top of our friendship.” I say and hug her before Ty drags her away.