“Thank you Cole. Dylan Crawford is a man who doesn’t like the word no. He asked me to be his date for our foundation gala in which I turned down, as Cole and I were already dating, but not out to the public at the time. He didn’t take kindly to this.He essentially kidnapped me and physically harmed me while trying to be convinced to rectify my answer to him. I’m grateful to everyone on this stage who helped ensure my safety from this horrible person. That’s all I will say about this matter. The Grizzlies have been fantastic throughout this and supporting us. I love being a part of and working with Grizzlies Care and plan on continuing my work with Heather and the foundation. Now I will turn it over to King.” Adriana says.
The guys each take their turn speaking and we end with a few questions. I’m so proud of Adriana for handling this press conference like a pro. I had no doubts, even if she was nervous.
“Glad that’s over.” She tells me as we get off the stage.
“Me too. Now we can get back to our lives.” I say.
“Now we get back to winning too with you back in the lineup.” Kings says as he claps my back.
We stand around bullshitting for a little while until all of the press clears out. We walk as a group to our vehicles and say goodbye until tomorrow for our game.
“Ready to go home?” I ask A.
“Home. I like the sound of that.” She responds.
We moved all her stuff from the apartment yesterday to the house and now it really is home. Not just my house. It’s our home and I’ll be damned if anyone else ever tries stealing home from me again.
After the press conference, life somewhat returned to normal. Well, our new normal with me and Cole officially living together. The guys made it to the championship series. They’re currently in the lead, winning three of the four games. If they win tonight, that’s it. They’re the champions of the season.
Heather’s belly is showing and I’ve been begging her to tell me what the sex of the baby is so I can start shopping. She refuses. She tells me she won’t say anything until the championship series is over. I’m praying the guys win so I can find out.
Dani and Laine are with us in what are our seats now. The game is underway and everyone in the stadium can feel the excitement. The team is starting strong. King is pitching and strikes out the first three batters.
“So, when do you think you and Cole are getting engaged?” Laine asks.
“I don’t know. I don’t want to put pressure on him, but I’d say yes in a heartbeat. When are you going to start dating?” I turn it around on her.
“I don’t have time.” She answers.
“Surrree.” Dani, Heather and I all say at the same time.
This causes us all to burst out laughing. The four of us have become very close in the months after the incident. I don’t know what I would do without these three.
We enjoy the company of each other throughout the game. We yell at the umps when we don't like their call and we cheer when the guys make a play or get on base. Unfortunately, no one has scored yet. It’s getting late into the game and extra innings are looking to happen.
“Let’s pray they only go this one extra inning.” Heather says.
“I agree.” I say.
Laine and Dani nod their heads, too. Archer is now pitching, and he’s able to only allow two men on base before the team works together to get three outs. No one scores.
Holy Shit! The guys are going to win!
Ty, Cole, and Dean are up for the Grizzlies. Ty gets on base with a double and Cole follows with a single. Dean comes up to bat and on the first pitch he hits a home-run. Grizzlies win three to nothing.
The girls and I are jumping and screaming for joy. They did it! Even with all the craziness, they pulled it off! Ty and Cole come over to where we are sitting and tell us to come out onto the field. We leave Dani and Laine in our seats and head to the field.
Ty has a microphone and is thanking all the fans for supporting them this season. King grabs the mic next and starts talking as only King does. Ty grabs Heather and spins her. Cole takes my hand and walks me to home plate.
What is he doing?
Cole pulls something out of his pocket and gets down on one knee at home plate.
“Adriana, you are the love of my life. My home, my everything. You have made my world and days brighter. You are the person I want to share everything with for the rest of mylife. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my home forever?” He asks.