Not even fifteen minutes later, those two are coming through the gate.
“We’ll aren’t you two cozy.” Heather greets.
“What kind of a greeting is that, sis?” I ask her.
“One from the sister that introduced you to the woman you love.” She tells me.
“Well you aren’t wrong there.” I say with a chuckle and get up to hug her.
“What’s up, big brother?” I ask
“Oh, nothing much you?” He says suspiciously.
I look over at Adriana and she knows what I’m asking with my eyes. She nods at me.
“Well, Adriana is moving in with me.” I say with excitement.
“That’s nothing surprising.” Heather says.
“What my wife said. But we did bring you both a present.” Ty informs us.
“Why are we getting a present?” I ask
“Here.” Heather says as she hands us each a gift bag. “Open them at the same time.”
Well, okay then. I look at Adriana and she looks just as confused as I am.
We both open the bag up and take the tissue paper out to reveal a t-shirt. I take mine out of the bag and A does the same. I read the t-shirt.
#1 Uncle
Holy shit! Heather’s pregnant! I turn the shirt around to show Adriana and she already has her turned for me to see. Hers says#1 Aunt.
“Fuck yeah!!! Congratulations! I can’t wait to have a niece or nephew.” I tell them.
We have a big group hug. I’m so happy for my brother. I know he wants a family and I’m happy that he’s getting that. He deserves it.
“Thank you! We can’t wait for them to be here either. With that said. We also want to know if you two would be their godparents?” Heather inquires.
“Are you crazy?! Of course!” Adriana answers before I do.
“Good, because if something were to happen to us, we couldn’t think of any other people we would want to raise our kid or kids.” Ty says.
I see the tears in his eyes and I know that he’s thinking of us after mom and dad died.We were lucky that we didn’t have to deal with being younger and not having a place with family.
I nod. There isn’t anything I can say. I have tears of my own in my eyes. Adriana comes and snakes her arm around my waist. She has this megawatt smile on her face. Something tells me she knew already. I’ll have to ask her about it later.
We shoot the shit for a bit after I call in our pizza order. Once it gets here, we all sit down at the table outside.
“How was therapy today?” Heather asks.
“Helpful. I actually enjoyed it.” I tell her.
“Ditto.” A says as she chews.
“Speaking of, do you want me to get the press conference set up? The sooner the better to get it over with it?” I ask.
A finishes her bite.