“Me too A, me too. Listen, don’t let him push you away. You both need each other right now. He just might not see it,” Heather confirms my thoughts on Cole.
“I won’t. I promise. Does he know yet?”
“Not yet. We wanted to tell you both together, but I just couldn’t hold it in knowing how I felt,” Heather tells me
“Makes sense. We are good. I’ll act surprised when you tell us together. Don’t think about it again, please. I would tell you honestly if something was wrong or if I felt a certain way.” I let her know.
“Okay. Love you bestie.”
“Love you too, boss bestie. Now the girls should be here any moment. Let’s get ready for the game,” I say.
The boys won their game,but I can tell something is going on with Cole. When he came up to the net where our seats were before the game, he seemed off. Usually his excitement is infectious and vibrating off of him, but today he seemed distracted. I don’t know if it’s his head or heart that wasn’t in the game today, but I’m determined to find out.
The girls and I make our way down to meet the team. I think Cole and I need to have a conversation tonight, whether or not he likes it. As much as he’s been taking care of me, I need to do the same for him. He’s my other half and if he’s not okay, I can’t be either.
The guys come out and walk straight to us. Cole has a look on his face and my heart drops. Why does he look so sad?
“Hey, Casanova.” I greet him.
“Hey, Sugar.” He returns.
I go to hug him, and he returns it, but it’s short-lived. This is not my man. This is someone wearing a Cole costume. I need to figure out what is going on with him.
“Let’s go home, babe.” I tell him.
“You don’t want to go out with the team?” He asks.
“Honestly, right now, the only thing I want to do is cuddle up with you and talk.” I tell him.
“Okay, if that’s what you want.” He tells me.
“It is.” I confirm.
He nods his head and we say goodbye to our friends. Heather drove, so I know we aren’t leaving anyone stranded. We get to his truck and he helps me in like he always does. When he gets in on his side, I take his hand. I’m so afraid that he won’t like what I have to say that he will ask me to leave and go back to the apartment above the garage.
That was my home. But now, my home is his house. It’s where he is. I need to know that what happened changes nothing with us. I’m sure he needs that reassurance, too.
The drive home is quiet. Neither of us talks and we don’t talk as we get into the house, either. We both change into our night time clothing.
“Why don’t we go down to the movie room and put something on?” I suggest.
“We can do that.” He says.
As we make our way there, Cole seems like he has the world on his shoulders. I hope I can help him carry that weight.
Once we get there, I grab blankets so that we can get comfy. I don’t want to have to get up while we talk and it gets cold down here.
“What do you want to watch?” Cole asks me.
“I don’t care. You can put on whatever you’d like, babe.” I answer.
He does just that when the intro for a Marvel movie comes on the screen. He comes to sit next to me. I let him get cozy and then I move to sit on his lap.
“Well hello.” He says.
“Hi there.” I give him a kiss on his cheek.
“You okay?” He asks.