Page 133 of Stealing Home

The fact that they let him be home for ten days meant so much to me, considering we just started dating. The team has brought me into the family just from working with the foundation, but even more so since it came out that we are dating. I know I’m looking forward to seeing him back on the field. The team has been doing okay, but I know he’s itching to get back out there. At least that’s what I hope. He has seemed on edge for the last few days.

I’m watching tv in the living room when Cole comes up from the basement.

“Hey Casanova.”

“Hey Sugar. What are you up to?”

“Just watching some tv. I was thinking about taking a nap. Any chance you’d want to join me?” I ask him with a sultry voice.

“A nap you say?” He asks me with understanding in his voice.

“Mmhhmmm.” I confirm.

Cole walks over to where I am on the couch and picks me up bridal style to bring me upstairs for our nap.



I don’t want to wake up. Staying in bed with Adriana all day sounds much better. I’m curious if she will join me for practice. I know she’s coming to the game tonight. I hate that I have to leave her for hours and won’t have eyes on her for that long.

It’s been different when I just have to leave for a little while to go work out or run an errand. The past ten days of being home with her has had my brain at peace. I know she’s okay and I don’t wonder if she’s on her own and something is happening to her. I don’t know what I’ll do if anything like what happened a week and a half ago were to happen again.

I worry that she’s going to leave me and quit working with Heather because of what happened. I’ve never had so much anxiety over a relationship before. But then again, I’ve never loved someone the way I love Adriana. She is my person, the one I want to celebrate my wins with and the one I want to be consoled by during my losses. She is the person I envision my future with, and her leaving me would devastate me.

My alarm goes off on the nightstand and I hit the stop button.

“Is it time already?” Adriana asks from beside me.

“It is.” I reply as I pull her into me.

“You ready to get the rust off?” She jokes with me.

“Yeah, you’re still coming tonight with Heather and the girls?”

“Yes sir. I can’t wait to see my man out on the field. I’ve missed it.” she answers.

“Me on the field or me in my pants?” I ask her.


I laugh.

She has told me when the season ends, I should wear my uniform around the house at least once a week. I told her I’d see what I could do for her. I know damn well I’ll be putting my uniform on during the offseason for her, anything to make her smile.

Reluctantly, I kiss the top of her head and get out of bed to start my day. I go through my normal routine for game days. Ty is meeting me here since I’m driving us over to the stadium. I go find Adriana in the kitchen to say goodbye.

“Alright babe, I’m heading out.” I say to Adriana.

“I’ll see you later, Casanova. Kick ass tonight. I love you.” She says as she walks over to me.

“I love you too, Sugar.” I tell her.

Adriana pulls me by my t-shirt so she can kiss me. I willingly go to her. I don’t want to leave her, but we hear a throat clearing and I know that it’s time.

We break apart, but not before I lay another quick kiss on her lips.

“Hey Ty.” Adriana says with a giggle.