Page 27 of Stealing Home

Adriana seems like she doesn’t want to leave the group.Huh, I wonder what that’s about.



Pizza and a movie did sound good. Plus, I wasn’t ready to go home and be alone. I’ve been enjoying having my own space, but it can be lonely sometimes. With the guys being home for the next six days, I don’t want to intrude on Heather and Ty’s time when we’re not working.

“Why don’t you guys go home and change and then come back? I’m going to shower quickly and then I’ll order the food.” Cole suggests to us.

“Yeah, a shower sounds good. I need to get the chlorine out of my hair. Adriana, you good with that?” Heather double checks with me.

“Yeah. That sounds good.” I concur.

“Just come back on over when you’re done. Apparently I don’t have to open the door to you lot.” Cole jests to Heather.

With that Heather, Ty and I head over next door to shower and change.

After taking a quick shower, the debate on what to wear is happening in my head. Before I could change my mind I grab the jersey t-shirt that Cole gave Heather to give to me. It has his last name and number on the back with the Grizzlies logo on the front.

Why not see what his reaction will be?

Since I didn’t wear his jersey opening day, maybe this might be a nice way to make it up to him. Picking up my brush, I run it through wet hair and put it in a low ponytail and let it drop over my left shoulder.

Texting Heather to let her know I’m ready and wanted to see if they were before leaving to head over to theirs.

She texts me right back, letting me know they’ll meet me at the bottom of the stairs so we can walk over together.

“We’re back!” Ty shouts as we walk in.

“Kitchen.” Cole lets us know where to find him.

“Food is ordered and should be here in about five minutes.” He updates us.

“Adriana, wait til you see the movie room..” Heather says with a wide grin.

What the hell is she up to now?

“That’s right. I didn’t get to see it when you set up the bathroom down there.” I reply to Heather.

There’s a knock at the door and Cole goes to answer it.

Heather has this stupid grin on her face, to which I give her a pointed look. She shrugs her shoulders and Cole returns before I can even open my mouth to say anything.

“Are we eating down there, too?” Cole gives us the option.

“It’s up to you. Your house.” Ty says.

“We can eat down there. What do you guys want to drink? We can take them downstairs so we don’t have to come back up.” Cole says.

He thinks ahead. I like that.Wait what?Don’t even start with a list of the things you like about Cole.Chastising myself because this is not where my head should be.

“Water or soda works for me. We have a mini event tomorrow before the game and it’s with kids.” Heather replies

“Same. Being tired or hungover doesn’t seem like it will be fun with kids.” Adriana agrees with Heather.

“Sounds good. Water bro?” Cole asks Ty.

“Yeah, gotta be hydrated for tomorrow. I’ll take the food.” Ty responds while grabbing the boxes of pizza.