Page 21 of Stealing Home

“Mmhhhhmmm. I’m sure you wish that ride ended differently.” Heather waggles her eyebrows up and down and laughs.

“Lord, give me strength.” I mutter under my breath, hoping Heather heard me before continuing. “I told her we are friends and I’m just in the next house over. She was upset earlier. Am I just supposed to be an asshole and not make sure she’s okay?”

“Whoa! Brother, relax, we’re just busting your chops. But you do have to admit you seem into her.” Ty states.

“Listen, is she gorgeous and down to Earth? Yes. Is she a pretentious bitch just trying to further her name? No. That doesn’t mean I’m ready to really get back out there. Do I have a crush on her? Maybe. But my only current focus is baseball. Do I want to hangout with her though? Of course. Will I? Duh, I spend so much time with you guys that I know we will and honestly, I’ll most likely enjoy it. But please let whatever happens happen naturally. Don’t push just because we are around each other a lot. I love you both but you are notMillionaire Dollar Matchmaker. Now, I’m going to go home because I’m tired.” I finish my tangent and go to hug them both.

Just as my foot crosses over the doorway, Heather starts to sing “Cole and Adriana sitting in a tree.” I shake my head at her because really, what else can I do? She closes the door behind me so I can make my way home.

The night air is helping me unwind from today. This week is going to be a long one with the team heading out on the road after tomorrow’s game. Now more than ever am I regretting moving at the beginning of the season. Getting the house settled has been more difficult to say the least.

Heather and Adriana offered to finish whatever is needed at the house while the team is traveling. While it is much appreciated, my mind can’t help but worry that Heather will make it more girly than manly, but who am I to turn down help?

Ty is sitting nextme to on the plane as we make our way back home. My leg hasn’t stopped bouncing since the screen in front of me showed how close we are to landing.

“Why are you so anxious?” Ty asks, looking at my leg that’s moving.

“I just want to get home. I’m nervous about what the girls did. You know how I don’t always like surprises. The house is the start to living my life for me again.” I tell him.

“Well, it is Heather we are talking about here. I’d be nervous too.” he jokes.

Turning my head towards him with my eyes wide and eyebrows up. He stops me before I can speak.

“I’m joking, bro. I can imagine. Now that you have your own life back, I’m happy that you can finally be yourself.

“Me too. I didn’t realize how suffocating it was until now.” I tell him truthfully.

“Did you hear that Dylan Crawford is looking to be traded?” Ty changes the subject.

“No shit. This early in the season? I wonder why.” I question out loud.

“I was just about to say that, bro. We’re only two weeks into the season, so it doesn’t make sense to me.” Ty responds.

“Do you think The Grizzlies are going to put their hat in the ring for him? We have a solid group in the outfield, but the guy has hands of gold.” I say.

“Who knows? I’m trying not to think about it. His ego can be overbearing, the guy just doesn’t seem to know the meaning ofno. He likes to be caught up with the media and it’s not always good press.” Ty says with annoyance in his voice.

“That’s for sure.” I agree.

The intercom of the airplane dings and the pilot lets us know we are preparing for landing.

Twenty minutes later, we are taxied into the area where we deplane. Ty and I grab our bags and head off the plane.

We carpooled since we are going to the same place essentially. Hopping into the driver's seat of my truck and Ty in the passenger side.

“Let’s blow this popsicle joint.” I say and put the truck in drive.

“Are we grabbing a snack on the way home?” Ty asks as we get onto the main street.

“Hell yes. This is why you’re my favorite brother.” I reply.

“Asshole, I’m your only brother.” He grips.

“I stand by my statement.” I tease him.

“Whatever. Burgers?” he suggests.

“Yeah, that sounds good.” I say in agreement.