Taking a breath, there is just one thing left to say.
“Here’s a little tidbit for you. BE FUCKING HONEST YOU DAMN SMALL-DICKED COWARD! Have a great life or don’t. I don’t give a fuck. Me, I’m not your problem anymore.” I take the bag of sandwiches in my hand, throw it at his face and slam the door as I leave.
Climbing into my car, all I can think about is what a shittastic day it’s been, and it’s only one pm. I drive home on autopilot in shock at what had just happened.
Unlocking the door to my apartment, my first order of business is to throw out the picture of Toby and me that’s on my nightstand in the trash. The glass breaks as it hits the basin.Good! Broken, just like our relationship.Second order of business is to grab my pajamas off my bed and change.
Once comfy and cozy, I make myself a much needed tall glass of Jack and Coke. As the bubbles tickle my nose and the whiskey burns my throat, I notice there are only a few personal items around my apartment. Realization hits me square in the face that this has never really been home for me. With this knowledge and the events of today, the dam holding back my tears breaks.
Let it all out now, Adriana. Today is hard, but you’ve been through worse. Get knocked down but get up again.
When the tears cease, I decide that today will not consume me completely.
Tomorrow I’ll start looking for a job that’s anywhere but here in Colorado. Hell, maybe even in a new field. Job hunting is stressful and filled with the anxiety of not being good enough. But at least I have six months to change my life before I have to settle.
I open my laptop and get to work updating my resume. One step at a time. Hopefully, it won’t take too long to create a new life for myself.
Four Months Later
On Sunday night, I’m checking my email. “Well, shit.” saying aloud in amazement reading my computer screen.
Never did I think that I’d be a final applicant for the personal assistant position I initially applied for two months ago. The first two interviews happened rather swiftly, and I was starting to lose hope I’d get the third.
The agency informed me they would disclose the employer’s name only during the final interview, provided that I’m asked to come back. Reading the name of who my potential boss could be, has me freaking out! I stop myself to look back at the email. Attached is a flight confirmation showing I fly to New York in three days.
This agency sure does move fast. Don’t freak out, you’ve got this.
Making a mental list of all the things needing to be done to ensure I’m ready for this trip. At the top is a call to my best friend, Dani.
I pull out my cell phone and dial her number. Every time I call her during these challenging months, she answers immediately.
“Bestie!” Dani answers the phone.
“Bitch! Guess what?!”
“Well, hello to you too, bitch!” Dani says, reminding me to use my manners. “What?! Just tell me, I fucking hate this game.”
“Hi, Hello, Bonjour, Hola!” I tease. “I’m coming to New York for THE final interview!”
“Bitch, stop it. You’re lying! But please tell me you aren’t.” Dani says with hope in her voice.
“I’m one thousand percent serious. I just got the email. My flight is on Wednesday and leave on Friday. Will I get to see you while I’m in town? And would you be able to pick me up from LGA?”
“Of course! I’m not out of town this week and I will move mountains to see you! It’s been at least four years since we’ve seen each other in person. Can you stay with me, or are they putting you up somewhere?”
I’m reminded of our last face-to-face meeting by her words.Damn, it really has been four years.The last time was when she came out to Colorado for work and stayed a few extra days to hang out.
“Sheesh D, you’re right. They only paid for my airfare. So, if you don’t mind having me, I’d love to stay with you. If needed, I could spring for a hotel, though?”
“If you don’t stay with me, we won’t be best friends anymore!”
“I love you! I will text you the flight info so you know when I’ll be landing. ”
“You better or you’ll be catching a cab since I won’t know when to come get you.”