Page 138 of Stealing Home

“I’m doing okay. But I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about you, Casanova.” I answer him.

“Why are you worried about me? You are the one that was hurt.” He says.

“Baby, I love you more than I’ve ever thought I’d be able to love another person. Especially after everything with Toby. But you have opened my heart backup, you are the man that has burrowed his way so deep in. You were patient and kind and you were my friend first. So I know that something is going on with you. I need you to not shut me out and let me in.” I tell him.

This man looks stunned. He doesn’t move, he just stares at me. He has tears in his eyes and now I’m rethinking everything I just said to him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from that happening. I’m scared you’re going to leave me because of what happened. That you will eventually blame me. That you will resent me down the line. How do I know that someone else on the team isn’t capable of doing this to you or anyone else?” He unloads his thoughts to me.

I hug him. I need a moment to figure out exactly how to say my thoughts. Cole holds on for dear life like he honestly thinks I’m going to leave him. I try to pull back, but he won’t let go at all.

“Cole, I need to look at you when I say this,” I tell him.

He reluctantly lets me pull away so I can see him.

“Cole Evans, you are not to blame for that asshat Dylan Crawford. You can’t control people. You did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. Dylan is the one that was in the wrong. But not everyone is him. You can’t be wary of everyone in your life.” I finish.

“I know. I do. Right now it’s just hard. On top of it all, coach is benching me until I see the therapist.” Cole says.

“Why?” I ask.

Cole sighs.

“I wasn’t in the game tonight. I think we all know that. Coach pulled me into his office afterwards and I told him about my worry. He told me he made an appointment for me for tomorrowto meet with the therapist. Until then, I’m benched,” he informs me.

“Cole, maybe you need that safe space. I’ve been trying all week to get you to talk to me about what’s been bothering you and you’re now just telling me. Yes, it’s a great start, but I think it will help you.” I tell him.

Cole nods and brings me back to him. I let him hold me because it seems to be what he needs.

“Don’t leave me.” Cole says.

“I told you I’m not.” I tell him.

“Don’t go back to the apartment. Move here permanently,” he states.

“Cole, you don’t have to do that because you think that it’s safer.” I say to him.

“Adriana, I love you. This is about us moving forward in our lives and relationship together. I don’t want to go back to not having you next to me in bed. Life is brighter with you here. This isn’t just a house, but a home. To have you go back to the apartment above the garage next door doesn’t feel right. You living here, us together? That feels right. Or I can move into the apartment with you. What do you want? Because I just want to make you happy.”

This man. I can’t. He puts me first. How in the world did I get so lucky?

“Well, I want to move in permanently and I want forever with you. I love you and just as much as you put me first, I want to put you first in my life.”

“Good, I want that too.” Cole says.

He kisses me, and it’s not a sweet kiss. No, it’s almost animalistic. The amount of emotions and desire sweep me away.

My phone ringing interrupts us from moving things forward. I look at the screen and see that it’s Officer Rowe. I answer the call and put it on speaker.

“Hi Officer Rowe.” I greet.

“Hello Ms. Johnson, are you with Mr. Evans?” he asks.

“I’m here with her, sir,” Cole answers for me.

“Great, one call. Mr. Crawford pled guilty today. He will not be out on bond until his sentencing. The surveillance video ensured that he couldn’t plead not guilty. Ms. Johnson, you won’t have to testify. I thought you’d like the good news,” he tells us.

“Thank you. That is definitely news that we could use.” I say.