“I hope you’re right. Now get on the mound.” I tell him.
We get through warm-ups and are heading into the dugout so all the events of the pre-game can start. Right before I make it to the top of the stairs, I spot the girls. I turn to walk over to where they’re sitting. Normally I’d just wave, but the sense of relief that washed over me has me needing to hear her voice too. I take my mask off so she can hear me clearly.
“Hey Sugar.” I greet.
Adriana’s eyes go wide, Heather, Dani and Laine all grin.
“Hi Casanova. Are you going to get in trouble for coming over here?”
“Nah, it’s fine. I just wanted to hear your voice. Come to the net.” I tell her.
She gets up from her seat and takes the one step so she’s directly in front of the net. I reach my hand into the clear spacing and she does the same with her good hand.
“Missed you.” I tell her.
“Cole. It’s only been a few hours. But I missed you too.” She responds.
“I know, but I just worry about you.” I say.
“You don’t have to, but it’s nice to know, Casanova.”
I smile at her, and she smiles back at me. I fucking love this woman and I don’t care if the world knows it. In fact, I want them to know.
“Do me a favor? Walk over to the side there where you can get on the field.”
“Okay.” she agrees.
We both walk that way. Eyes following us from the people already in their seats. We reach the point where the netting is no longer protecting the onlookers from wild pitches or foul balls. I lean over the top of ledge and give her a pg kiss.
“Now I’m ready to play.” I tell her.
Adriana rolls her eyes but mouths the words I love you. I return the sentiment, and we both walk to where we need to be for the time being.
I take my usual seat in the dugout. Dean comes to sit on one side and King on the other, just like normal.
“That was cute.” King says.
“It’s going to be all over the internet soon.” Dean states.
“I don’t care. That’s my lady.” I say.
“She sure is.” King confirms.
“MMhhmm.” Dean agrees.
“I know I already said thanks, but again, thank you for coming with me that day.”
“Stop, we’re friends before anything. Of course we came with you. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we would do it again. You would do the same for us.” Dean responds.
I nod because I know he’s right. These guys aren’t just teammates or friends, they’re family. We all protect our family.
After the national anthem is sung, the game gets underway. We are on fire. Well, the rest of the team is. Being behind home plate isn’t feeling like home right now. While I’m happy to be back on the field, I keep seeing flashes of what happened in the stadium. I see the way Adriana looked when I found her. I see blood from Crawford’s body. How do I know that besides Ty, King, Dean and Dane that no one else on this team would betray me? The truth is, I don’t.
We win despite me overthrowing on a steal to second and striking out at each at bat. We all head into the locker room when coach taps me on the shoulder and nods to his office. I follow him silently.
“What’s up, coach?” I ask as I sit down in his office.
“You tell me. Your head wasn’t in the game.” He says.