Page 130 of Stealing Home

I lay back down all way. Just as she is about to fall asleep, the person comes in to put her cast on. We got the look of disapproval, but they didn’t make me get out of the bed. I wouldn’t have left it, anyway.

She fell asleep shortly after her cast is put on. I stare down at her in amazement. This woman is so resilient and beautiful. Even with her injuries, she shines brighter than the sun.

I hear my phone vibrate on the rolling bedside table. It must be one of the guys or Heather. I haven’t updated anyone sincewe got here. I wasn’t worried about them. That might make me a horrible person, but my only focus was Adriana.

I drag my arm from under her head and get up from the bed. I grab my phone and see I have five missed calls between Heather and Ty, twenty texts from the group chat with the guys, Ty, Heather, a group chat with Heather, and a number I don’t know. The last text that came in just now is from Coach telling me to call him.

While I know I need to update our friends, I just want to get the phone call with coach over with. With that, I go to his contact profile and call. He picks up after the first ring.

“Cole, how is Adriana?” he asks right away.

“She’s okay for now. Banged up pretty bad. Sleeping.” I tell him.

“I’m sorry this happened to her. I wasn’t aware of Crawford’s indiscretions or I never would have okay’d for him to come on to the team,” he responds.

“I know, coach.” I say.

“I’m putting you on the disabled list for a week. I know you will want to be there for Adriana and we want you to be there for her too,” he informs me.

I really love being a part of this organization. While I know we are more than just players to them, this really shows me they care about me as a person.

“I appreciate that coach more than you could know.”

“Don’t mention it. We are all here for you both. If you need anything, just let us know.”

“I will. Coach, what’s going to happen to him?” I ask because I need to know.

“Crawford won’t be returning here. I can’t say legally what will happen, but the police advised they would let us know.” He’s honest with me.

“Okay, thanks again.” I say and hang up.

Thank fuck. I don’t know what would happen if I had to see him in the locker room. No, I know. I’d be the one getting arrested for beating the shit out of Crawford.

Time to face the next phone call.

“Cole, what’s going on? Is A okay?” Heather blurts out as she answers the phone.

“She’s alive. She has a concussion, and a few broken bones. One eye is swollen all the way shut, but she’s okay. Or she will be.” I tell her.

“Damn it. This is all my fault. I thought the stadium was safe,” she replies.

“Sis, we went over this already. It’s not your fault. I told her it wasn’t her fault either.” I say.

“I don’t know what I would do if something worse happened. When can we come up to see her?”

“You all still here?” I ask.

“Yes. We didn’t want to leave until we knew she was okay.” She tells me.

“She’s sleeping right now. Do you and the girls just want to come up?” I ask.

“Yes, what room number?”

“724. I’ll see you in a minute.” I tell her.

It hadn’t even been five minutes when Heather, Dani and Laine come through the door.

“Are the guys in the lobby still?” I ask them.