Everyone bursts out in applause.
“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Heather Evans. I’m the head of the foundation. Next to me is my right-hand woman, Adriana Johnson.”
More applause from everyone.
“My husband plays for the Grizzlies. You all might know him. Tyler Evans.” Heather stops because of course, there is even more applause for my big brother.
“Well, this is our first Annual Gala. I know we have been very secretive about the name, but we wanted to wait for tonight to tell you all about it.” Heather concludes.
“Do we want to hear the name or what the foundation you will be supporting is doing in the community first?” Adriana asks.
Everyone is shouting their answer. I don’t know how the girls are going to pick. Although I’m sure the two of them already picked how this is going down.
“Wow, you guys are amazing! I didn’t expect that many responses. Well, let’s talk about what the foundation will do first. The name might make more sense that way. Heather, take it away.” Adriana hands off.
“Thank you Adriana. Well, the foundation will help to provide after school care and weekend care for children of all ages. Our wonderful players have also agreed to hold baseball and softball clinics for the kids who are interested that attendthese programs. During the season, we will bring the kids to the stadium one weekend a month to catch a baseball game,” Heather informs the crowd.
Heather sounds so passionate about this. I’m excited to lend a hand at the clinics for the kids and for them to come out to the stadium.
“Heather, you forgot what else the foundation will be doing.” Adriana says to Heather.
“What’s that?” Heather asks.
“Well, we arranged a car service for the players tonight, but what they didn’t know is that everyone in attendance tonight also received a car service. That doesn’t end tonight either, but more to come on that.” Adriana tells the crowd.
“That’s right! How could I forget that?” Heather asks.
We all chuckle. These two planned everything down to a t.
“So, ready for the name?” Adriana asks.
“Welcome to the first annual Grizzlies Care Foundation Gala.” The two of them say together.
The ladies receive a standing ovation. Ty and I are whistling, and so are a few of the other guys.
“Thank you, thank you. Off to the left side, we have all of our amazing silent auction items. Don’t forget to place your bids. All the proceeds from tonight will allow us to find a building to run the foundation and the care for children. We will hire staff and get all our permits,” Heather informs everyone.
“Oh, and one more thing. I’d love to introduce everyone to Grover. Grover the Grizzly! The very first mascot for our wonderful New York Grizzlies!” Adriana says excitedly.
A brown grizzly bear with a Grizzlies jersey and hat comes out on stage.
I admit the bear costume is good. The kids are going to go nuts over Grover.
“Grover will come around to say hello and is available for pictures. If you post on social media, please use the hashtags: Grover The Grizzly, Grizzlies Care, and NY Grizzlies. And if you forget, they will be up on the screen behind the band.” Heather advises.
“Back to the free rides that will start tomorrow for anyone here tonight and once we get our families involved, they will get the access to the call center as well. We hope you all have a great night and don’t forget to place those bids! Dinner will be served shortly.” Adriana says.
The ladies and Grover make their way offstage. Our table is the first to take pictures with Grover and then we sit down to eat.
“Do you want another a drink?” I ask Adriana.
“Sure.” she says.
“I’ll be right back.” I tell her, kiss her cheek and get up from the table.
I make my way to the restrooms first and then I head to the bar to grab drinks for Adriana and I.
I sit back down in my seat and place Adriana’s drink in front of her.