I hear footsteps and I look up. If it were physically possible, my jaw would have detached and hit the floor.
Adriana always looks amazing. But tonight my girl is beyond stunning. She is wearing a flapper dress, and it accentuates those magnificent curves of hers. Her dress is in fact black and red and the fringe from the dress moves with her body. It hits just above her knees and the shoes she has on?Damn. She’ll still be shorter than me but I believe they’re red bottom stilettos.
I think I might be drooling.
Adriana makes her way down the stairs to me.
“Is the great Casanova at a loss for words?” She asks.
I nod. She laughs.
“Pick your jaw up off the floor or you might start a small pool of drool on the floor, babe.” she tells me.
“You look amazing, Sugar.” I tell her.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She says.
We hug and I give her a peck on the lips before taking her hand and leading us to the kitchen.
Ty and Heather have four flutes of champagne poured.
“Sis, you look lovely.” I tell Heather.
“Thank you.” She responds.
“Everyone take a glass.” Ty starts. “To my beautiful wife and her best friend. Congratulations on the first annual gala for the foundation of The Grizzlies. Cole and I both know tonight will be amazing and the amount of good that is going to come from tonight and many more events as well.” He finishes.
We toast and sip our drinks. Just as we finish, the car service is here. Ty locks up the house and we all pile in.
We let the ladies nervously babble the whole time until we arrive at the venue.
In order to get into the venue, we have to walk the red carpet, which is littered with media for photos and to speak with.
A few of our teammates have arrived and are in line ahead of us. We get dropped off at the start of the carpet. The girls made sure this was a fancy event.
We wait until it’s our turn and the door opens. Heather and Ty get out first. I step out of the vehicle first and hold my hand out for Adriana to take so I can help her. She takes my hand and comes to me.
We stop for pictures. The local media knows who Adriana is. The first few journalists we stop to speak with ask if we aretogether. We both confirm that we are indeed a couple. A few photographers ask for me to pose alone and then with Adriana.
This woman is dealing with all of this graciously. She answers questions that come her way. A few ask about involvement with tonight and she speaks highly of Heather and how well and closely they work together. When asked how we got together, she credits Heather because she hired her.
It only takes us about thirty minutes to make it down the carpet and into the venue. It’s decked out in red and brown. There is a band playing on stage. People are mingling. There is a good mix of players, staff, donors, and fans.
We walk around and mingle ourselves staying as a unit of four. We make our way to the bar to get a drink before the night is underway.
While waiting for our drinks, more people make their way over to where we are.
“Adriana.” We hear from next to us.
I can feel her stiffen where my hand is on her back.
“Toby.” she says in a monotone voice I’ve never heard her use.
“This is a lovely event,” he tells her.
“Thank you.” Adriana is giving minimal interaction with him.
I move my hand from her back to her hip and squeeze so she knows I’m with her. If she wants me to tell him to kick rocks, I’m right here to do so.