Page 104 of Stealing Home

With that done, I text Ty to say thank you for being there today before I go sit on the couch in the living room, and turn the tv on.

“What are we watching tonight?” Adriana asks as she is walking into the living room.

“Whatever you want.” I tell her and hand over the remote to her.

She flips through channels and lands onJurassic World,the one with Chris Pratt.

She drops the remote to the side of her on the couch and snuggles up next to me. As I go to put my arm around her, the doorbell chimes.

“That’s the food.”

I go to the door, sign the receipt, and walk back to the living room. I unpack our food, and we dig in and watch the movie.

Adriana is actually still awake after the movie ends.

“I’m surprised you are still awake. Thought I was going to have to carry you to bed.” I tease her.

“Haha. Hilarious. But I’m ready to go lay down.”

“Go head to bed. I’m going to lock up the house and I’ll join you.” I tell her.

She gets up and heads upstairs while I go around to the doors and make sure all the locks are engaged.

I turn off all the lights and make my way to the bedroom. Adriana is on the side she slept on last time. As soon as I get under the covers, she’s moving over to me.

“You okay?” I ask her.

I didn’t mean to wait this long to check in with her again, but I wanted her to have time to decompress and get some food in her stomach.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I didn’t think I would see Toby, so the shock was there. I knew the company he works for, but it didn’t even register that there was even a possibility he would be one of the employees coming for them.”

She takes a moment as if she’s thinking of what she’s going to say next.

“But when I got over the initial shock of seeing him, it didn’t matter to me that he was there. I was polite and greeted himand his co-workers just like everyone else. His presence doesn’t affect me.” She informs me.

“That’s a good thing, right?” I ask her.

“Yes, Casanova. I wouldn’t be here with you if it did. I’m over him. The only person who has an effect on me is you.”

“I like how that sounds, Sugar.” I tell her.

“Good, because you are the only man in my life that matters. You and that sweet talking mouth have made it impossible not to fall for you. You have broken down the walls I put up and the ones I didn’t even know were there. So while tonight has made me extremely uncomfortable and scared right here, I know I’m safe because I’m with you.” she tells me honestly.

I can’t help but kiss her. I know I can’t let it go past that because I would feel, in a sense, like I was taking advantage of the situation and I’m not that guy. But how could I not kiss her at this moment? She just gave me everything I needed to know that my gut was right about her.

I pull back and look her in her eyes.

“Baby, I feel the same way. I’m glad you’re here with me now. If you weren’t here, I wouldn’t know how to protect you. I will do whatever I have to to make sure you always feel safe.” I say.

“I know that, babe. Trust me when I say I do.” she almost pleads.

“I do.” I confirm.

She kisses me, and I feel a wave of emotions with this kiss. This woman has me tied in knots.

It doesn’t feel like it’s only been months since I’ve met Adriana, let alone weeks of actually dating. The ease of being with her is more like we’ve been in each other’s lives for decades. If something were to happen to her, the devastation would be comparable to the loss of my parents.

I have never cared about anyone the way I do her. It’s never been this deep of a connection. Not with Layla or any other woman before her.