“Okay, let’s get things moving,” Heather says to me.
We walk back up to the front of the conference room.
“Thank you all for coming today. We are so excited to have you here today and attending our first annual gala. We are so excited to share the name of the foundation with you then. Today we hope you enjoy taking in the field, meeting some players and enjoying a good old fashion baseball game.” Heather tells everyone.
Everyone claps for her little speech.
“Now, if you will follow us, let’s get you onto the field.” Heather lets them know.
We walk out of the conference room, and the group follows us. We take them onto the field where the team is warming up.
The guys finish up and come over to mingle.
“Adriana, can you do me a favor?” Heather asks.
“Whatever you need, boss.” I tell her.
“Can you run to the maintenance closet over by the bullpen and grab the extra gloves so if people want to play catch, they can?” Heather inquiries.
“Of course, I’ll be right back.”
I head to go grab the gloves. It takes me a few minutes to get to the closet. Luckily, we had asked for the door to be unlocked already.
I grab as many as I can, but since I can always come back for more, there isn’t a point in trying to get them all. I’m turning to walk out of the closet when I hear footsteps. No one should be here in this area. I hope Toby didn’t follow me to talk.
I get three steps out of the closet before Dylan Crawford is in my line of sight.
“Hey Adriana. Need some help?” He asks me.
“Hi Dylan, um sure. That’d be great. There are still a bunch of gloves in the closet, can you grab them?”
“Sure thing,” he says and goes into the closet.
I have my phone in my back pocket if need be.
“Got them all.” He comes out with the rest of the pile I left.
“Awesome. What brings you this way?” I ask.
“Honestly, I saw you come over this way. I wanted to ask you something, but didn’t want an audience.” He replies.
“What’s up?” I ask so we can get back to the field before Heather or the guys come looking for me.
“Well, I wanted to ask if you would like to be my date to the gala? I thought with us being new, maybe it would be nice to go together.” He gets out.
“Dylan, thank you for thinking of me, but I do have a date already.” I let him know.
“Oh, okay. Is it serious?”
“It’s newish. I’m sorry if I gave you any sign I was available.” I say.
“I understand. Hope it works out for you.” He replies.
“Thanks. Let’s get these gloves back to the field.” I state.
Dylan just nods and we head back to where everyone is.
The rest of the afternoon goes off without a hitch. Everyone got to play catch on the field and then went to their seats or boxes to watch the game.