

Ipass the next hour in a daze of afterglow, my body still alight and sensitive fromthemost mind-blowing climax I’ve ever had. That says something, considering I spend one night a month at this club seeking out orgasms. The rest of the month I try not to think about sex, because I want to get the most out of my escape into the persona of Queen Justine.

I can’t stop thinking about him. He didn’t lay a finger on me while he was pleasuring me, aside from clasping my hands, yet his tongue worked me over so well he didn’t need to. But it wasn’t until his last request that he really knocked me off-balance. A kiss should have been a simple thing to grant, but the moment his mouth pressed against mine, the moment his tongue gently probed between my lips and I let him in, I realized how much danger I was in.

Except for once it wasn’t terrifying—it was exhilarating.

I play the moment over in my head while I sip hot tea in the sitting room downstairs. All the Whitewood Club’s performers get together to unwind a little once the guests have departed. It’s almost dawn, and I’ve been relaxing while I listen to Brit and Casey gossip about one of their university professors, but I haven’t joined in. I’m only half-listening anyway.

“I don’t know, he just strikes me as the kind of perv who’d coerce sex out of a girl in exchange for a good grade,” Casey says.

“Good thing we don’t need help with our grades,” Brit answers, then shivers a little.

“Has that ever happened to you, Gwen?” Casey asks. “I mean, has a student ever, um…suggestedthey’d offer sex in exchange for a good grade?”

I turn my attention to them, slow to find the thread of conversation.

“No, but two of them did invite me to a sex club. And no, it didnotaffect your grades, and you both know it.”

Casey snorts a laugh. Brit cocks her head and studies me. “You seem different tonight. Are you feeling okay?”

“I feel fantastic,” I say, unable to stop myself from smiling.

“Ooh, you got a good one tonight, didn’t you? Do tell!” Casey says, setting down her tea and propping an elbow on one knee, chin against her palm. “I do miss the thrill of discovery, even though Rick and Max never cease to surprise me.”

“Was it Percy?” Brit asks in an exaggerated whisper.

She glances toward the arched doorway but none of the men are nearby at the moment, since they oversee maintenance of the equipment at the end of every Masquerade Night. It’s one of the few times I feel comfortable being away from Percy, but Brit and Casey are always good company.

I never would have imagined confiding in two female students about my attack would have paid off. All I told them was that I didn’t feel safe anymore on campus and was considering resigning, since neither the administration nor the NYPD were doing much of anything to track down my attacker. The pair wouldn’t hear of it, so they took it upon themselves to escort me in their downtime, and eventually offered to introduce me to someone who could help.

That was when I met Chloe, the proprietress of Whitewood, whose inviting manner coaxed the full story out of me, then presented several solutions. She assigned Percy to be my bodyguard right away, but the suggestion of reclaiming my power at the club one night a month wasn’t something I entertained until later. After one visit as a guest, I saw the potential. Witnessing these two women more than ten years my junior enjoy themselves so thoroughly with men they trusted made me want to reclaim some of that joy, thatcontrol.

Because it wasn’t lost on me how much power they had over the men who performed with them. They may have allowed themselves to be tied up and fucked, but the very second one of them used her safe word, the dynamic shifted; the men backed down, determined to ensure her safety and pleasure at all costs.

To be able to trust someone so much that a single word, or even a gesture, could control their partners’ actions was something I realized I craved. So I made the hesitant suggestion to Percy, because by then his opinion mattered.

We eased into it at first on a slow night. Brit’s partner in submission, Adam, volunteered to be my first subject, with Michael and Brit both in the room. At first I felt more like a prop in their fun, since Michael sat in a chair voicing subdued commands to the other two. He checked in with me at every step while Percy stood at my back.

Because I already trusted them it became fun and easy, and more than a little pleasurable, not to mention instructive. I learned what it means to be a dominant, and how crucial it is that my submissive’s needs are met. Even though I’m here for my pleasure, their comfort is paramount.

Percy keeps me accountable, so I’ve learned to sense when my subject is enjoying themselves or not, but so far I haven’t had to cut a scene short because they weren’t.

“No, but Percy was more involved than usual tonight. I don’t think it means anything.”

“Oh, it does,” Casey says. “Percy adores you.”

“I think he also liked my subject, though, so what does that say?”

“Man or woman?” Brit asks.

“Man… one especially well-equipped in both tongue and dick.”

Casey laughs, and Brit rolls her eyes at her friend. The pair are college roommates who act like sisters, though Casey is the more outspoken, adventurous one while Brit, daughter of a famous Broadway star—who once was a popular Domme at this club—is the delicate, deceptively angelic and brilliant beauty.

“Who knew Percy was bi?” Casey says when she regains her composure. “I have always wondered. He’s so self-contained.”