I go to the bar and crack open another bottle, feeling way too sober for my current mood.
“Anything?” I ask, pointing at the Viper’s cell phone. There’s been a lot of back and forth getting the elusive owners to meet us on a price even though they are the ones who came to us to buy them out. They have one here in New Orleans and another in Seattle. We want both and have enough cash to back up the purchase. We even have a few gold bars tucked away if they want to jack up the price we are offering.
Eighty-five million seems like a fair price for an old mansion with pretty gardens and fancy chandeliers. After factoring in the value of the members and the commodities offered to them, we all agreed on a number. Truth be told, I will give them the contents of our combined bank accounts if it helps Viper find a level of peace.
I can at least understand how Viper’s heart pulls him back here. It’s where he claimed her and where I let all this go too far.
Just give me a nice graveyard and I’ll be happy enough. It won’t be long before my body gives out at this rate.
Viper ends the call and tucks his phone into his front pocket.
He shakes his head. “Says he’ll call back.”
“You set up a meeting with the Belladonnas for moving the gold?”
Viper nods. “The head of that particular snake wants to meet and greet before they do any introductions to their fences.”
Ivy, the leader of the guild of thieves is cunning, manipulative and fiercely loyal to anyone she deems a friend. Hopefully we can score a face to face, get our gold moved and refill our bank accounts before we drain them to buy this place.
“Timing might be dicey.”
Viper grunts his agreement.
I swallow a good mouthful and refill my glass. I hold the bottle out to Luther, who does the same for Viper and himself. Forty-nine years isn’t tombstone age. But my soul has taken a beating and the weight of feeling her and not being able to touch her, kiss her, or even see her is slowly killing me.
I’ve never felt another person’s pain, fear and joy before Aster. Or pleasure. My skin prickles with invisible energy just thinking about her. Dark sensations turn into darker wishes. A voice in my head says to take what I want, but ruining her isn’t the answer, either.
“You okay, brother?”
Luther is the sensitive one while Viper is the balls-to-the-wall type. He cares too much and lets emotions drive him. Luther likes to take his time and think things through. He notices shifts in the atmosphere and is perceptive.
We all balance each other out somehow, but it’s Luther that makes sure we don’t off ourselves.
“Yeah, why?”
“You’re looking pensive tonight.”
Age has worn me down. There’s no escaping the hint of silver at my temples or the weight of not having her in our lives. Every day that goes by, I feel like I age five more. I’ve kept myself in shape, taking my anger and stress out on iron in the gym, but my soul is tired. In all honesty, I don’t know how much longer there is for me.
I brace a hand on Luther’s shoulder, my glass in the other. “After we secure this deal, I’m going to go away for a while. Being here is giving the dark voices in my head bad ideas.”
Understanding eyes turn to me. We stand at the same height and have almost the same build. Growing up and coming through the ranks of my father’s criminal empire, everyone thought we were brothers. Truth is, we are. Not by blood, but by life experiences.
Drake joined our band of fucked up boys when our dads struck a deal over some arms deal that eventually fell through. The senior men parted ways, while we boys grew closer. Viper was the last to join our trio.
He held a gun to my head one night when we were all about fifteen and said he was sorry but had to kill me or his stepfather would kill him.
I didn’t hold it against him. I would have done the same thing. It’s always better when it’s theotherguy and not you, right?
With Luther’s gun to his head and Viper’s pressed to mine, we all faced a conundrum. So I made him an offer. Spare me and we would work to take down his step-father.
An hour later, we were best friends and his power-hungry stepfather looking to take down my father by killing his son was no longer an issue.
And then Drake got married and had a daughter. It was fine until she came into her womanhood and then this dark fusion of energy happened.
Luther considers me through the reflection of the large window in front of us. Beyond the glass, barely dressed club members enjoy themselves openly without fear of living out their fantasies. But Luther’s gaze isn’t seeing anything other than my tortured expression. “What’s your plan?”