‘It felt like her. But what would elicit anger like that? At this time of night? Unless …’ His words died off as I sensed him jump to his feet. ‘Please tell me you shielded this room before you came in?’
‘Come on, Xy, it’s not amateur hour here. It was shielded before I even stepped in the room,’ she scoffed.
He released a sigh, sitting back onto the bed. ‘Good. Maybe I’m freaking out over nothing. This connection is overwhelming my senses, more than I’d prepared for. I’m trying to fight the pull but … Merlot, give me strength. It’s difficult. Give me a day of gruelling sessions in the ruins over this any day of the week.’ I felt a caress on my mind as he talked, the one I’d experienced at the Temple. I closed the barrier in my mind, blocking the entrance to stop the humming on my neck. Now was not the time or place for my mind to be taken over.
‘You need to fight it. If you don’t, there’s no saying if we will get the result we want. You need to be honest as early as possible to gain her trust. You trained your whole life for this, Xy. This isn’t just about Marlyst anymore, it’s about Fyriane. We can’t risk you royally fucking it up so early in the game,’ Orlandia warned.
I don’t know why I’m so disappointed. I should’ve known. They may be fun to hang around with, but they were never going to be my friends. They’re royals, after all. Every one of them had their own damn agenda.
‘Easier said than done,’ he muttered, so low I had to focus to hear it. ‘I can’t wait for the day you experience this. And on that day – mark my words – I’ll be merciless when I remind you how you once told me to simply ‘fight it’. No one can fight fate, Orla. Not even me.’ His laugh sounded miserable.
‘Not even for your Kingdom? For Fyriane?’
Xylan’s body stilled. ‘I would do anything for my people.’
‘Then we need her on side. And then you can get what you want. Until then? Keep your hands to yourself. It’s not just the husband you need to be worried about. I have my eye on the lover too.’
My face heated, furious. Howdarethey talk about me like this. As though I was a prize to be won over.
‘That guy is a possessive piece of shit. I fucking hate the way he looks at her,’ Xylan responded, revulsion thick in his voice.
‘And he loathes the way you look at her. But she cares about him, so don’t do anything rash. Pull yourself together. Don’t turn into a jealous asshole like Father. You’re better than that.’
With those parting words, I heard Orlandia leave the room.
I left too, teleporting to the Isles. Making it a step outside of the Temple, I unleashed a storm over the Isles that continued until dawn.
Chapter 19
The next morning, I ensured my expression was composed as I walked into the Royal Study, which was doubling as a meeting room. Eliasson’s desk had been moved to the corner to make room for the group to sit around the large square table in the centre of the room. A map of Fyriane hung on the wall above his desk, while the wall directly across from it held a detailed map of the Arlom Kingdom. And, of course, the walls were painted blue.
It was a boring room with little character. I had had many arguments with Eliasson over the need to spruce it up a bit. I had even offered my assistance, littering the room with a few indoor plants. But I gave up pushing him when he insisted that his study had a purpose, and it wasn’t to look pretty. He didn’t want to giveanyone – including himself – reason to be distracted in the room, which is precisely why it had been chosen for the trade negotiations.
I took my seat on Eliasson’s right, courteously greeting everyone, meeting the eyes of Qynthia and her Second. Their playfulness had been replaced with a serious air – had they found out what transpired between Xylan and I? I shook my head. No. They couldn’t. Not everything was about me. It was trade negotiations. It was always serious like this.
I nodded curtly at my sister, who sat directly across from me, and she returned it coldly. Her demeanour was nothing new. Ironically, with all the uncertainties and questions building in me, her consistent behaviour actually provided some comfort. I always knew what to expect when it came to her.
I wasn’t the last one to show up. The Marlysts were nowhere to be seen, their assigned chairs empty. They probably slept in after spending half the night discussing how they were going to use me. Well, screw them.
I smiled gratefully at Eliasson as he passed me a cup of coffee, placing a kiss on my cheek. I may have only been to one Forum, but it took me ten minutes at the first one to surmise this was the boring part. Given a maximum of two representatives could be present for each Dom, I insisted Fyrel step in on my behalf. Naturally, Eliasson shot this suggestion down.Apparently, my absence wouldn’t be a good look. I desperately wished it was a non-issue. Drinking until one in the morning? Absolutely, I’m a sucker for a good time. Galloping around the countryside? Count me in. Talking politics and watching rulers fight over new deals? Drop me in the middle of the Tidal Seas and leave me to fight my way out.
The feeling of the twins presence interrupted my coffee. In five, four, three, two … one, the Marlysts entered the meeting room. With a literal bang. Xylan shoved the door so hard it crashed intothe wall. Both looked like they were about to murder someone as they rounded the table and sat in the last two empty spots. No good morning. No nods. Nothing. Just an assessing sweep of the room that weighed all the individuals. Well, looks like the king is officially in the building.
I didn’t miss that Xylan looked at everyone but me. Cool, cool, cool. Looks like we’re going for full-blown avoidance. I should follow his example and do the same. But I don’t. Nope, the stubborn ass I am decides to openly stare at him. Political schemes aside, if he was going to blatantly ignore me after what went down yesterday, I was going to make it difficult.
And I did, keeping my eyes on him throughout the whole introductory portion of the meeting. Eliasson, as the hosting royal, was obligated to chair the meetings. Per Forum customs, he went on and on through the introduction, listing today’s agenda and housekeeping items. Funny, the housekeeping items were mainly around being professional – yes, he used the word professional – at all times. No screaming, no pointing fingers, no throwing things at one another; the list went on. I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall at theForums that had caused the list to be added to the introductions read out at every single Forum. Honestly, it was basically a one-oh-one of how to be a sensible person, and we’re royals for Goddess’ sake. We’re responsible for the smooth operation of our Doms and Fyriane as a whole, including the livelihoods of our people. The blandness of the introductory items made the housekeeping list downright comical.
But the comedy of the list still wasn’t as amusing as watching Xylan force himself notto look at me. He’d managed to maintain his stoic demeanour, apart from some tell-tale signs. He alternated between clenching his jaw so damn hard I thought he was going to break it, and fisting his hands at his side as he bit down on hislip almost to the point of drawing blood. The other royals were in their own little world, zoning out during the boring part of the meeting, excepting Orlandia. She was well aware of what was going on between Xylan and I, shooting glares between us, watching the great standoff.
‘And that concludes the introductions. Does anyone have any questions or concerns before we proceed?’ Eliasson opened the floor and was met with complete, slightly uncomfortable silence.
I forgot how awkward these things could be. Everyone bit their tongue at the beginning, waiting for another royal to say something that would set them off. That’s when it got fun. It was a shame we weren’t allowed wine. I’d love to sit back and sip while watching Xylan and Slaviya go head-to-head, which was bound to happen given the tense exchanges between the Marlyst and Salistya Doms in the past. Xylan may be different from his father, but in this, I couldn’t imagine either royals’ stances changing.
‘Alright,’ Eliasson said, clearing his throat. ‘Ramone, please begin the minute taking.’
As the Nyarellean Queendom’s main role was to accurately record and preserve the history of Fyriane within the libraries’ archives, Ramone’s duty as Qynthia’s Second was to ensure that the events of the Royal Forum were noted. In the future, the rulers of the Doms would be able to request information. Of course, the parts where we get a little drunk were often left out.
As soon as the Nyarellean had a pen in his hand, he nodded to Eliasson to proceed.