I rolled my eyes, crossing my feet on the chair as I reached over the table to serve myself yet another round of fish soup. No one’s soup beat Lyzia’s. I shut my eyes as I took another ridiculously big spoonful, groaning in delight at the party in my mouth.
‘I’m glad I listened to your suggestion to make a bigger serving, dear,’ Lyzia laughed, her burnt orange eyes lighting up as she grinned at Varqel. Lyzia was the only Nyarellean that has been granted access to the Isles. Having studied healing her whole life in the Queendom, when she met Varqel and fell hopelessly in love withhim, she moved to the Isles, and was welcomed thanks to being an exceptional healer. Around these places a healer is a hot commodity despite the usual strict borders around people from other Doms.
‘Well, she does have an uncanny ability to show up unannounced the nights that soup is on the table,’ Varqel stated dryly.
‘In my defence, I do have a one in seven chance of landing on soup night considering this is a staple on your weekly menu,’ I said in between mouthfuls, no doubt looking very unattractive. Good thing V and Lyz were like parents to me.
‘I see your table manners haven’t got much better since you’ve become a queen,’ he snickered.
‘I blame my lack of table manners on the ridiculously good food. No time to think, all the time to enjoy.’ I shrugged unapologetically.
‘I’m flattered you enjoy my food so much, Little One.’ Lyzia smiled fondly at me. ‘But back to the matter at hand.’
I choked on my food, remembering the reason for my being here, having temporarily forgotten it in my enjoyment of the soup.
Varqel rolled his eyes before handing me a glass of water. ‘Honestly Valare, you knew this was coming. It amazes me that you’re surprised at this development.’
‘I think it was more the demand that I stop the contraceptive remedy. The two-week time frame really hit home for me,’ I huffed.
‘In two weeks?’ Lyzia exclaimed, roughly brushing her long copper curls off her face, eyes widening.
I nodded vigorously now she finally understood the urgency behind my request.
‘And you said this conversation happened today?’ Varqel queried, rubbing his hands soothingly down his wife’s back.
‘Yes, this afternoon. He then proceeded to not let me leave his sight until I eventually had to knock him out with my magic to be able to come here,’ I explained, highly irritated that Eliasson had been this smart.
‘He knows that, given space, you can be quite resourceful. Smart man,’ Varqel laughed approvingly.
‘Hey V, friendly reminder that you’re supposed to be on my side,’ I emphasised.
He simply smirked at me, his lips spreading wider when I childishly poked my tongue out at him.
‘I need to get to work if I’m going to have the longer lasting contraceptive remedy potent enough for you to start taking in two weeks. How is your power feeling, Valare?’ Lyzia questioned.
All remedies are stronger the longer they’re brewed, which is important as the more powerful a mage is, the stronger the remedy needs to be. For someone with my power, two weeks is the minimum brewing time. Although he didn’t know why, Eliasson knew it took two weeks for my contraceptive remedy to be ready. Which is why he’d given me the two-week deadline today. The smart bastard.
‘From a physical magic perspective, strong as usual. From a knowing perspective, it’s getting stronger. More definitive when I use it.’ Outside of Mer, these two were the only people I would divulge the extent of my knowing to.
Varqel nodded understandingly while Lyzia cursed quietly.
‘Come see me in two weeks, Valare. I’ll ensure it is ready. Always good to see you, dear,’ she said before turning to her husband and giving him a kiss on the lips. ‘Honey, I’ll leave it for you to arrange the rest?’ she asked, before walking out of the room without waiting for a reply, already knowing Varqel would handle things.
‘What would you do without the head healer in the Solista Isles?’ Varqel teased.
‘Have an Arloman child?’ I quipped, my grimace giving me away.
‘I almost want to see this come to fruition, purely to watch Slaviya have kittens,’ he laughed, eyes twinkling with delight.
‘Can you imagine.My life, quite literally, would not be worth living.’ I couldn’t help the twitch of my lips though. The visual was amusing and I did enjoy pissing off my sister, but not to the extent of having a baby. One must draw the line somewhere, and I feel this is a pretty good point to do it.
‘Ah well, merely a funny thought. Lyzia and I won’t let that happen. Not unless you want it to,’ he stated seriously. ‘Speaking of what you want, have you worked out what you’re going to do once you’ve fulfilled your sister’s desires? You’ll be flying solo, after all. What’s your next step?’
‘Well, it depends on how the assassination plays out.’
‘You have a plan, do you not?’
‘I do.’