‘I’m …’ I was breathing hard by now, tears building in my eyes at the sensations.
‘Speak up, sweetheart, otherwise I’ll find other uses for that mouth of yours.’
‘I’m sorry, Sir, it’s my fault. It’s all my fault,’ I sobbed.
‘Good girl. It is your fault, but I still love you anyway. Because that’s what love is. Seeing all of you, punishing you when needed, and keeping you in check.’
Holding my ankles with both hands and spreading my feet further apart, his thrusts became erratic, uncontrolled, taking everything, showing no consideration for my needs. Not this time anyway. I don’t deserve it.
‘Open that mouth wide and tongue out. You whore of Arlom, you don’t deserve my seed in you tonight,’ he ordered.
Not one to defy a direct order, I did as I was told. A second later, I felt him slip out of me and a string of wet stickiness hit my neck, before landing on my cheek, tongue, and forehead.
He moved up to slap his drained cock on my cheeks, smearing more across my face before roughly shoving his cock back into my mouth with an order to clean him.
Moaning, I sucked and licked off every last bit of him, humming my pleasure for his graciousness in allowing me to service him, despite being an Arlom whore.
He pulled my mouth further onto his rapidly hardening dick, holding it still while he pushed two of his fingers back inside me, working me closer and closer to climax. I moaned and thrashed around, wishing I had my hands untied to feel him. But as always, he was in control.
He released my head, allowing me to suck furiously on his cock, my climax seconds away. My legs started to still, my pelvis naturally shifting upwards. My moaning ceased as I felt the overwhelming sense of bliss taking over my whole body. And that’s when he pulled his fingers out.
I whimpered in disappointment, having been so close to the finish line. He slapped my clit once more.
‘Your satisfaction doesn’t matter, Valare. You’re here to service me. And if I don’t want you to come? You won’t. I’ll take what is mine and you’ll give it to me willingly like the little slut that you are. And when you take everything I graciously give you, never forget that you did this; you didn’t prioritise me and my needs,’ he said oh-so-quietly. ‘Does your darling husband know this is how you spend your evenings away from him? With me? Putting this dripping wet pussy to good use like the other Salistyan girls just waiting to be bred? Tied up and left to the mercy of the one that truly owns her?’
With that, he kept fucking my face, lasting only seconds before exploding in my mouth. Forcing his cock all the way to the back of my throat, I had no option but to swallow everything he gave me.
Abruptly pulling away, I felt him withdrawing to the other side of the room, next to the door. I heard the shuffle of clothes being put back into their rightful place.
‘Wait,’ I said, before he could leave the room. ‘Aren’t we going to talk? Aren’t you going to untie me?’ I could untie myself, but it wasn’t the point.
He sighed, before coming back to untangle me. ‘There. But don’t expect more from me tonight. I love you Valare, but a two month wait is not something I can forgive after a tumble in the hay. Work harder to prove yourself to me.’ He left the room.
I scrambled to sit up and take the damn blindfold off. Immediately, I wish I hadn’t. There was a mirror in front of me, and I could see I was a dismal sight. My bare breasts were on display, legs spread wide open, neck and face heavily covered in his marks.
Maybe he wasn’t far off. I sure do look like an Arlom whore.
But that was a thought I needed to shut down immediately, because he didn’t really think I was a whore. He only said that in the moment to heighten the roleplay. He wouldn’t actually treat me like a whore.
He loves me. Sure, things have changed since I married Eliasson, but that’s only natural, right? He says he’s always loved me and always will. He says that sometimes I bring these things upon myself, with my impulsiveness and lack of foresight. And he says if he doesn’t punish me, how will I learn?
Wanting your partner to grow is love. And sometimes the methods involve his gratification and my punishment. That’s how I show my love and commitment to him, he said. That’s what he needs from me. And he will always be there, through thick and thin. Because he loves me.
Chapter 5
Back in Amarald a few mornings later, I strolled towards the Royal Dining Room where Eliasson and I religiously had breakfast together each day – the unfortunate result of my negotiating no night-time Dom engagements unless it’s unavoidable.
It was necessary, Eliasson told me, for Arlom royalty to be seen as a united front to their people, hence breakfast in the official dining room rather than the private one in our apartments. Although this made perfect sense, it was a far cry from how my parents and the generations before them ruled. The king took care of affairs, and the queen was merely a figurehead, ready to serve at the king’s beck and call. It was a transactional relationship to produce heirs. Nothing more, nothing less.
In contrast, Eliasson insisted on my presence at all meetings, often asking for my opinion while openly collaborating with his most trusted advisors. He encouraged me to take the contraceptive remedy, wanting to get to know me first and eventually mutually agree before commencing efforts to produce an heir. It has only been the last few months where my scepticism subsided and I finally accepted this was, indeed, Arloman culture. The men were firm but fair, the women respected and with an equal seat at the table. The similarities with the culture of the Solista Isles were unmistakeable. It’s quite ironic, really, that the latter is ruled by Salistya, whose culture is basically the polar opposite.
I stepped into the obnoxiously-sized room, which never ceased to amaze me. The high ceiling was a single, big piece of glass that allowed natural sunlight to brighten the whole room. In the corner was a stage with a piano and a variety of string instruments, neatly placed alongside a dance floor, often used when noble guests visited the palace. In the middle of the room was a long, twenty-seater table, unsurprisingly fit for royalty.
Making my way towards the head of the table where Eliasson sat, I noted his eyes travelling up and down my body, taking in the plunging neckline of my silk slip dress. His eyes widened with desire as they zoned in on my left thigh peeking out of the high slit in the dress as I walked. His lips twitched in obvious approval.
The revealing Arlom dress code was yet another assimilatory hurdle I had overcome, albeit quickly due to the warm climate of the Kingdom – not to mention, the Isles had done a good job of stripping away my former prudish Salistyan ways. The looks of appreciation from Eliasson when I dressed like this were an additional motivator, working as another tool in my arsenal.
Stopping to his left, and purely to stoke the fires of his desire – not at all because I enjoyed toying with him, of course – I leant in toplace a lingering kiss on his lips, one hand resting on his chest and the other cupping his jaw. Eliasson kissed me back and traced his hand up my thigh to toy with the slit of my dress, teasing my skin while his other hand came to squeeze my right butt cheek.