Page 70 of Pawns of Salistya

Partner?Now that’s a new word for what we are.

‘Firstly, you wouldn’t succeed. My mind is protected against that magic. Stop trying to get in there, I do not particularly enjoy the tickling sensation. Secondly, I am here to deliver a message,’ Lars stated.

‘A message? And you bringing a deadly beast along with you is the right way to do this?’ I scoffed.

‘Well, it got the attention of the King and Queen of Fyriane, did it not? Although not the King and Queen I had the pleasure of delivering a message to last time. The Svaxlyn will be very interested to hear this new progression,’ he drawled.

‘I think you have the wrong people,’ I denied.

Lars flashed me a wicked, toothy smile. ‘No need to lie to me young Queen, your eyes tell me all I need to know.’

‘What’s the message?’ Xylan demanded, cutting me off before I could continue to argue.

Lars focussed his eerie eyes back on Xylan. ‘The Svaxlyn wish to claim their rightful dues in accordance with the Svaxlyn Pact. If the rulers of Fyriane do not heed this message, you should expect to see more of these beasts that are bigger and stronger. They will be tasked with destroying your continent.’

‘The Svaxlyn Pact?’ I asked, confused.

‘Dear, the naïve act is getting very old, very quick,’ Lars responded.

‘Tell your superiors the rulers of Fyriane don’t take kindly to messages of violence. We request a formal meeting to discuss these alleged dues.’ The firmness of Xylan’s voice shocked me.

The merman’s deep belly laugh startled us both. ‘Oh, Your Highness, why do you think I am here? They are unable to cross into your lands otherwise they would have already. And the agreement that was made is a thousand years overdue. They aren’t particularly inclined totalk.May I suggest you try a different message?’

A thousand years … was the merman referring to the Royal Forum with Queen Wystia and King Merlot? If he was, that means it’s been an eon since they sat in that room with those other beings. This wasn’t good.

‘That’s the message. Yours has been received, ours sent in turn. Now be gone from our shores, Merman.’ The conviction in Xylan’s words would have convinced me of his confidence, except he was squeezing my hand to the point of it being painful.

Lars cocked his head to the side, assessing us. ‘As you wish. I suspect this will not be the last time we see each other. Until then,’ he nodded. In a moment of hesitation, I saw his eyes darting towards the shore, a flash of longing in his gaze. Before I could ask, he was diving into the ocean, carrying the beast with him.

‘What the hell was that?’ I blurted out, looking at Xylan.

‘We don’t speak of this to anyone else until we know what it all means, Valare. Promise me,’ he said. His fuchsia eyes were filled with unwavering determination.

‘Is that not going to be a problem considering they can see all of this play out from the shore?’

He waved his free hand at me dismissively. ‘I put an illusion around us as soon as I felt a presence other than the beasts,’ he said. ‘From their view, time has stopped, and you were delivering the final blow on the beast. When I release the illusion, teleport us straight to the shore and no one will question it.’

Huh. Neat trick. I made a note to find out more about these psychic mages. I was getting a little over finding things out on the run.

‘Now, give me your promise,’ he demanded.

‘Alright, I promise. The Goddess knows I have enough to deal with when I get back to shore.’

‘Ah yes, your magical secrets are no more. That will be a fun conversation with your husband,’ he teased, despite everything we just learned, apparently having taken our work together as a sign.

‘Don’t make me go back on my promise,’ I threatened. ‘And don’t for a second think you’re forgiven.’

Eyes twinkling with pleasure, Xylan ignored my words. ‘Ready?’

‘Ready as I’ll ever be.’

Chapter 30

After we landed on the shore, I rushed towards where Lyzia was working on Slaviya.

‘All clear to drop the shield and cease wielding.’ My order came out as a bark and I felt Mer, Mazyr and Amire drop.

‘How is she?’ I demanded.