What had I done?
I lay there for a long time, until exhaustion won out, pulling me into sleep. For the first time in a long while, the nightmares appeared. But instead of my Father, it was Sir I saw. Hatred swam in his moss green eyes.
Chapter 28
Iwas not in the mood to make decisions or talk to people. Not after this morning, which I’d spent catching Mer up to speed on everything that had happened, including the True Infinite revelations and me dumping our close friend. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. Mer clearly disapproved of my timing in ending the relationship, but equally understood my reasons.
As a result of all of it, I’d concluded that anything to do with people was exhausting and not worth effort, so I’d like a hiatus from everyone.
So, no. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to find a beach in the Isles and be by myself, avoid my problems by hiding my head into a book and emotionally eat a dozen sconesuntil I felt a sense of contentment and sickly full stomach. I did not want to be surrounded by the other royals in the meeting room, all of us about to vote on a decision that would change the direction of Fyriane. It would cascade down to change myfuture, and I was not in the mood to deal with another new reality.
I wondered if the others in the room were thinking about the prophecy because that was where my thoughts were directed. The rash part of me selfishly wanted nothing more than to vote ‘no’ to the proposal. Then, Nyarelle wouldn’t become more involved in agricultural activities, Marlyst’s workers would stay in their own borders, and Arlom would leave Salistya to defend the coastline from the tidal beasts. If there was a ‘no’ vote, I could resume my life and prevent the union between Xylan and I and – by default – Fyriane that was seeming to become ever more inevitable. Granted, this first step would still see the Dom’s remaining separate. But I knew this initial step would lead to another. And another. And the prophecy would come to life right before my eyes.
The irony of the whole situation was that my suggestions were the reason for the vote. Ihad prompted talks of unity. Although I knew it was necessary for the continent, it was now a hard pill to swallow. I couldn’t even stand to look at the person the prophecy said I was supposed to lead with.
The person in question had accepted my order to stay away. Xylan didn’t look at me. He’d positioned himself as far away from me as possible, and was currently laughing at something Qynthia was saying. I knew I had asked this of him, but the fact he was able to laugh right now was grating on my nerves. Not to anyone’s surprise, I hadn’t heeded Varqel’s initial suggestion to hear him out. Instead, I had let my compounding feelings grow, lashing out at Xylan at the first real opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t regret lashing out. He needed to know how I felt. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’tfrustrated that I hadn’t pushed more for his explanation. It is what it is. No changing the past now.
I felt a brush against my mind, somehow recognising it as Qynthia. I didn’t particularly want to talk to her, but I needed her on side to gain information I needed. Plus, she had provided vital insight into the history of the True Infinites and the prophecy. Whether I likedthe information or not, it made it clear there was no doubt her intentions were pure.
I also really wanted to learn more about this new telepathic ability I’d gained. So, I let her in, curious to see what she had to say.
Are you okay?Concern was thick in her words.
I’ve seen better days.I let her hear my sigh.
Understanding and empathy washed through the connection.It’s a lot to take in. I don’t know what happened with you two, but if it’s any consolation, I can feel his sorrow and regret too. He may be hiding it a little better, but he’s feeling just as terrible as you. The bond may be strained, but it’s not fractured. Remember that.
I’m beyond furious with him.
And your feelings are warranted. But don’t let your emotions override your decision making. You know what needs to be done for your people. You were chosen to rule this continent for a reason. Show us you’re worthy of that, my Queen.
She disconnected from my mind before I could respond.
I snuck a glance at Xylan just as he looked at me. I saw a flash of worry in his eyes before he quickly looked away. A wave of despair and anguish surged through me, the longing to touch him growing to be overwhelming. This situation sucked.
Eliasson cleared his throat, bringing my attention back to the room. ‘I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for what I believe to be a productive Royal Forum. The level of transparency and integrity each one of you has shown in our dealings is apromising step in the right direction. It’s clear we all want to ensure the protection and prosperity of Fyriane as a whole.’
The last week or so had seen an interesting shift with the royals – well, everyone except Slaviya, but there were no surprises there. Previously, the rulers had fought fiercely for control and settled trade agreements in their own best interest. There was some of that energy when Xylan and Slaviya had gone head-to-head, and in whatever that standoff had been between Eliasson and Xylan, but for the most part, the rulers had been amicable and arrived at mutually beneficial solutions.
‘As our final meeting for this Royal Forum, the conclusion lies in the need for changing in the way we rule Fyriane. A majority rules vote is required to solidify what has come to be the overarching theme of this Forum, which is that Fyriane needs unity moving forward. Gone are the days where one Dom takes care of feeding the continent and the other supplies weapons. We need to capitalise on one another’s strengths, transfer and build knowledge, and look to keep Fyriane safe. It’s time for the rulers to vote for or against cross collaboration between the Doms,’ Eliasson said.
‘Queen Qynthia of the Queendom of Nyarelle. Are you in support of or against these proposed changes?’ I asked. There was no Ramone for a serious discussion such as this. Only the five of us were able to be present in the room. And Eliasson and I may or may not have practiced our speeches because of that. We were a little nervous closing out our round of hosting.
Placing a hand over her heart, Qynthia bowed towards us as she said, ‘I vote in support of the proposed changes.’ I nodded to confirm I’d received her vote and wrote it down.
Directing my gaze towards my sister, I asked, ‘Queen Slaviya of the Queendom of Salistya. Do you support or reject these changes?’
True to form, without missing a beat my sister voted no.
There was no way of avoiding looking at my True Infinite. ‘King Xylan of the Kingdom of Marlyst. Are you in support of or against the proposed changes?’
His eyes locked on mine. He let me see the emotions cross his face: sorrow, regret, yearning, determination. His attention didn’t waver from me as he sat up, lifting his chin and presenting himself as the formidable force that he was. ‘For the doers, the defenders, and the dreamers. To the devoted, the divisive and the divine. For the True Infinite and the continent of Fyriane, I am in support of this. Protect our family.’ He finished speaking with his fingers to his third eye. I saw a flash of fuchsia in his eyes before they returned to his masked pale pink ones.
At the mention of True Infinite, I snuck a look at Slaviya from the corner of my eye to see her shocked expression. Why would she be shocked? It was clear he’d been in favour from the beginning.
I used the distraction of writing down his vote to gather myself, desperately trying to take control of my trembling fingers with no luck. He really was the king of double meanings. I’d received his message loud and clear. He wasn’t running. He wasn’t turning away. He would fight for me, and fight for our future.
I swallowed loudly before turning to my husband, the term feeling the most inappropriate and hollow than it had since our wedding day. That’s saying a lot considering I came on a mission to assassinate him, and he was only ever going to be a temporary spouse.