Page 58 of Pawns of Salistya

I wasn’t about to reveal that a psychic mage, let alone a Queen, had projected a seemingly pivotal moment in our continent’s history into my mind. I was keeping that information to myself.

‘The prophecy?’ I made sure my voice held a dash of naivety in there.

I don’t think he was buying my act based on the doubt written all over his face, but he bit. ‘I was under the impression you skipped your religion classes for bakery taste-testing.’

I dismissed him with a wave of my hand.

He sighed in resignation. ‘A True Infinite is a very rare and special bond between two people. They are life partners whose strengths and weaknesses complement each other. It’s believed that a TrueInfinite pairing is fated and the most sacred pairing. Think of it like a soulmate, your one true love, but rarer. Extremely hard to find, those who find theirs are lucky.’

Damn. He explained it with such reverence. Like it was something to spend your life seeking. ‘Are they always a love connection? Can they be a friendship?’

‘Any good relationship starts with a friendship, Little One. And in a long-lasting relationship, such as a True Infinite one, naturally they become your best friend. I guess it could just be that, but the pull of a True Infinite relationship is hard to resist. Almost impossible. The bond is created in such a way that, even if the intention isn’t romantic, it tends to fall into that.’

I can’t say I was enjoying how this was turning into a lecture and somewhat of a warning. But it was information, and I wasn’t having to chase down answers, so I was keeping my mouth shut.

‘You mentioned it was a rare bond? Is this bond only for mages? I don’t think I’ve heard of any True Infinite bonds …’ I trailed off, racking my brain and coming up with nothing.

A contemplative air settled in the room as he considered how to answer. ‘It is, though many people have no idea about it. The True Infinite bond was supressed when Wystia and Merlot sacrificed themselves for the greater good of the continent. I don’t think they realised at the time the ramifications it would have on the True Infinite bonds. It’s believed that once the prophecy comes to fruition, the fated rulers of Fyriane will unite the Doms and unlock whatever spell was placed on the continent. Only then will couples know whether they are with their True Infinite.’

Fated rulers? I knew V believed in the prophecy, but he had never pushed it on me, so I didn’t like the expectant look he was pinning me with, like he was trying to work out whether I was going to continue to skirt around the elephant in the room. I pinched mynose, gearing up to admit that maybe I shouldn’t have disregarded the Solistan religion all these years, as well as the news I still hadn’t quite wrapped my head around.

‘Well, it is looking like I have a True Infinite. Which is kind of not great for me right now, considering the tidal beasts are becoming more of a problem, I’m supposed to kill my husband to become sole ruler, and I have a lover who isn’t treating me well. Oh, and I’m pretty sure I’ve just met my True Infinite in real life, and I’m beyond furious with him because he knows all this information and has been hiding it from me.’ I grimaced at the rush of words, and received a similar reaction from Varqel.

‘Well, that’s a lot to unpack.’

Understatement of the century. I groaned. ‘Try living in my head right now. It’s alotof fun.’

V’s lips twitched at my retort. ‘Is it the King of Marlyst?’

‘Goddess, somehow it sounds worse when it’s spoken into existence,’ I moaned dramatically, knocking my head on the table and staring at the floorboards in the hopes I would morph into a puddle and seep through the cracks, never to be seen again. Hearing Varqel guess what I suspected was just not fun.

Varqel’s laughter cut through the room. It was the kind of laugh that came deep from within his belly, filling the entire space.

‘Please, floor, please make me a part of you. I promise I’m a good person,’ I whispered, refusing to look at him as my comment sent him into another round of laughter. This was not the reaction I had expected.

‘Why are you so annoyed by this? I overheard you telling Lyz how attractive you thought he was when you were picking up your contraceptive remedy.’

I looked up to see a cheeky smile. ‘That was a private conversation. Girl talk. Not to be overheard,’ I defended, and he rolled his eyes.

‘Well, Meredith was in on the chat too. You know nothing is private with that girl around.’ He’s not wrong. Meredith liked to gossip. Unless she was keeping a secret for me, that is.

‘Like I said, girl talk.’

He let it drop, circling back to my prior ramblings. ‘Your lover isn’t treating you well? Has that been going on for a while?’

I winced, not really having meant for that to come out, but I nodded as I stood up and started pacing. I couldn’t remain seated while I admitted to V what had been going on. ‘Pretty much since I married Eliasson. He wanted the assassination over and done with months ago. But what was I supposed to do? Marry Eliasson and kill him within a month? Forgive me for not wanting to implicate myself. No one would’ve believed it wasn’t me. He’s become worse with the assassination coming closer. And now that I’ve met Xylan, it doesn’t feel right to continue it.’

‘It won’t feel right with Xylan in the picture, if you’re fated to be together. Even if that is simply a friendship,’ his face screamed his doubt, ‘you won’t want to be with anyone else. Which is an interesting concept for a physical mage to understand, considering the usual preference for more than one partner. But the True Infinite attraction will always trump those needs. Every single time.’

He’s not telling me anything I wasn’t already feeling myself. Eliasson was great in bed and everything, but maintaining that act was becoming a struggle now I had had a taste of Xylan, even without the guilt eating at me.

‘Speaking of True Infinites,’ Varqel segued. ‘The Ophiscair Prophecy in its entirety, what are your thoughts?’

I gnawed my lip. ‘Well, admitting I have a True Infinite is a start,’ I replied reluctantly. ‘Some of it I don’t understand. Like moon phases? Knowledge finds those who are meant to see?’

Varqel cocked his head, refusing to buy into my efforts to avoid addressing his real question.

I sighed. ‘I think it is ridiculous that a simple mention of an eye colour automatically means I’m a part of this bigger plan for Fyriane. However,’ I hesitated. ‘I have recently discovered some information about Wystia and Merlot. The fact they were the King and Queen of Fyriane, once upon a time. And that her eyes were the exact colour as mine. It’s weird.’