‘I’ve heard of it, yes,’ I replied stiffly.
‘Do you know what the actual prophecy is?’ she asked, staring at me. She leant towards me so intently that our bodies were a breath away from touching, but it was the intensity of her voice that startled me more.
‘No. I never subscribed to the religion of the Solista Isles. Quite frankly, I think it’s all a crock of shit,’ I sniffed, feeling oddly defensive – not to mention embarrassed – over my lack of knowledge.
Her melodious laugh startled and scared me. ‘You didn’t think it was important to at least understand a prophecy that’s centred around your entire existence?’ She shook her head in disapproval.
Back when my eyes had changed, I hadn’t wanted to further exaggerate how different I was to everyone around me, so I avoided anything that could emphasise it. But maybe that had been a mistake.
‘I just wanted to blend in. Be normal,’ I muttered as it dawned on me that some of the answers I’d been searching for would’ve been found years ago if I had only been willing to listen and stand out.
Orlandia shot Qynthia a knowing look as the Queen closed the distance between us.
‘Do you trust me?’ Qynthia asked, her hands moving to clasp the sides of my face, energy emanating from her.
‘I’m guessing I don’t have a choice if I want the answers I’m looking for.’
Orlandia snickered and Qynthia’s mouth twitched, fighting the smile that wanted to escape. Her fingers pressed to my temples, and I felt a caress in my mind. This didn’t feel like Fuchsia Eyes; this caress had a feminine energy surrounding it. Qynthia’s energy, I realised. Probing but soothing, it searched, requested, for entry into my mind.
‘Let me in, Valare,’ Qynthia murmured.
Sighing in resignation, I allowed her to enter. I was pulled into a familiar setting.
Wystia and Merlot were standing in the heart of the Temple, in front of the statue of the Goddess. They were surrounded by people, undoubtedly Solistans.
‘There will be many that will come and many that will go. You must do everything in your power to leave them better than they arrived. Fyriane requires your allegiance in paving the way for what is to come. We need magic wielders across the continent, strong and ready to defend.
‘Teach your young the prophecy no matter what happens in the future. They will arrive when the time is right to lead and unite Fyriane once again. You must do everything in your power to ensure the path is lit for them. To show them the way. Do we have your pledges to carry out what has been asked of you?’ Wystia asked,
A resounding, ‘Yes, Your Highness,’ swept through the room. The Solistans bent down on one knee before reciting the Ophiscair Prophecy.
‘Opposing stages of the moon brings extraordinary gifts.
One for her, another for him.
On these nights, Fyriane will awake, a new destiny starts to shape.
Within the union lies myriad answers, a True Infinite bond to rule the masses.
Unlock this bond and there it shall be; knowledge finds those who are meant to see.
True Infinites, hand in hand, will rise above to take a stand.
Lime green and fuchsia meet, ready to take their seat.’
Wystia grabbed Merlot’s hand, immediately teleporting them to a different place.
Here the layout was like the Temple, however, thewalls were carved from rock and the floor was covered in orange sand. A statue of Merlot was now behind the couple, and they were surrounded by people with burnt orange and pale pink eyes.
Wystia and Merlot repeated the prophecy, asking for allegiance to carry out the duties. When they received confirmation from the others present, the couple looked at one another, tears welling in their eyes.
‘I love you,’ Wystia said in an anguished whisper.
‘I love you, my darling. In this life and the next. Don’t cry for us, for we will always be. My True Infinite. This is our path, our journey. It is our children’s and their children’s path now. Rest easy knowing we’ve done everything in our power to save them. And when they come, they, too, will save Fyriane.’ Merlot combed his hands through Wystia’s hair, comforting her as tears streamed down his own face.
Wystia nodded, leaning into him to press her lips to his for what was clearly the last time. ‘For our family.’
‘Until we meet again, my love. For this, I am sure.’