Page 23 of Pawns of Salistya

The smile he gifted her was one of complete adoration and love. It was the kind of smile that said he would run to the ends of the earth andbeyond to protect her, to adore her, to love her. One of his hands cupped her cheek. The other wrapped around her waist and brought her body towards his before he crashed their mouths together. Their kiss was slow and passionate, conveying the deep love they shared.

They eventually pulled apart, his hand gently stroking her hair.

‘Do you know what sounds better than betrothed?’ he asked.

‘The future rulers of Fyriane?’ she teased.

He leant forward nipped her bottom lip in admonishment before resting back down on the ground. ‘No, my beautiful tease. Our fated destiny. What we are and were always meant to be. That is what sounds better.’

She nodded knowingly and sighed in contentment as she settled on top of him, resting her cheek over his heart.

‘True infinite,’ she whispered in quiet reverence, opening her eyes.

For the first time, her eyes were visible.

They were glowing. And lime green.

I woke with a start, eyes jolting open to take in the rays of sun pouring into the room. The room that was different to my one in Amarald. Which meant I was still at Varqel and Lyzia’s.

‘Shit! Eliasson will be awake now.’ I scrambled out of the bed, straightening my clothes. My eyes searched for the book next to the imprint of my body on the mattress. Where did it go? Did I move it? It wouldn’t be the first time my magic moved something in my sleep. Crazier things have happened. Like that dream.

I shook my head, as I raced to the floorboard to find it in its original place. I didn’t have the luxury of entertaining what the dream was all about as I teleported back to Amarald and landed in my bathroom. The floating steam told me the bath hadbeen drawn recently.

A second later, Meredith burst through the door from my bedroom, demanding to know where I had been.

‘I fucked up. I fell asleep, I didn’t mean to be gone past sunrise,’ I interrupted her. ‘Where’s Eliasson? What’s happened? How much damage control is there to do?’

Stance wide, Meredith had her hands on her hips, looking completely unimpressed. ‘I came to check in on you about an hour ago to make sure you got back safe. Luckily I did because I sensed him wake up not long after. I started your bath before meeting him in the dining quarters, advising him that you’d woken up unwell and had summoned me. I bought you a bit of time, but it looked like he wanted to see you, Val. I insisted you were too self-conscious for him to see you in this state, which placated him a little, but I think he’ll be coming around in the next half an hour if you don’t show yourself before then.’

I cursed. An overbearing, worried Eliasson is not what I needed today. I hurriedly undressed before placing one foot into the bath, testing the temperature.

‘I didn’t know what other excuse to use, but I don’t think he bought it. I didn’t have much time and I had no idea when you’d be back,’ Mer defended.

‘No, you did great, Mer. Thank you. I’m sorry I put you in this position in the first place, it wasn’t my intention. I planned to be back in his room before he woke up.’ I put my other foot in, sitting down to sink into the luscious warmth, letting out a heavy sigh.

‘It happens. That’s what I’m here for,’ she shrugged.

I cleared my throat, ‘So, last night’s meeting ... ’

Meredith started pacing, a sign she was unnerved.

‘Interesting,’ I finished.

She threw me a look. ‘Interesting is one word. Unsettling, maybe. Downright sketchy are others. Slaviya’s up to something. If sheweren’t, why wasn’t I summoned with the others? She’s not dense enough to think my loyalty to you would stray, but the rest of them? Does she see something we don’t?’ She shook her head.

‘Who knows, but it’s not as if we didn’t expect this. We’re still ahead of her, Mer. This could simply be her way of unsettling us. Or punishment for not having a plan yet. With Slaviya, there’s always myriad possibilities, but the root cause is usually her shitting herself. So she makes a couple of petty moves to feel like she’s in control again,’ I shrugged. ‘Standard behaviour. Nothing new.’

Meredith laughed in disbelief. ‘How you can be so relaxed about this is beyond me.’

‘Oh, I’m not relaxed at all. It’s all a façade, darling. Call it the queen in me.’ I winked, trying to ease the tension. ‘Before I forget, excellent job last night. You played your part well.’

‘Do you think they bought it?’

‘You were essentially telling the truth, listing out all my flaws, so how could they not?’ I joked, not mentioning the harsh truths had elicited real reactions in me, despite my prior knowledge of what would be said.

‘Well, that’s true,’ Mer responded, calling my bluff.

‘Ouch.’ I placed a hand on my heart, feigning offense at her words and ignoring the lingering twinge in my centre.