Ugh. Making love. If only he knew this wasn’t my favourite approach to sex, yet it was the most powerful way of luring him into my façade of a devoted wife.
Sauntering past him and laying back on the blanket, I leant up on my elbows, smirking. Beckoning him forward with a nod, I replied, ‘As you wish, my King.’
Without missing a beat, he moved towards me. The clear passion in his eyes almost made me feel bad. Almost.
Unfortunately for King Eliasson I had had extensive training that allowed me to ensure his love for me, which was critical to fulfilling my mission. Unfortunately this mission involved him, but not in a way he would appreciate. Unfortunately for King Eliasson, I was sent to kill him.
Chapter 2
The gentle, humid breeze was a welcome feeling over my bikini-clad body. I knew it must have come from the south-west because I would recognise that feeling of the Solista Isles, my chosen home, anywhere.
At the same moment, I reminded myself that I needed to stop dwelling on the past. It wasn’t going to appease the constant homesickness I experienced. In fact, it only seemed to make it worse, building my irritation at the situation I was in.
Sighing, I return to reading my book – my happy escape where reality doesn’t matter, and where the political pawns and games aren’t real. Ever since my marriage, these games had become my harsh reality. But, at least I could live vicariouslythrough the political pawns in this book having interesting sex. I would happily have that as my reality over my recent ‘making love’ escapades with the sappiest king to have ever lived.
Before I could further drown in my frustration and self-pity, I sensed the physical presence of a five-foot-five woman approaching me. Luckily for her, I was quite partial to her, otherwise this encounter would not end well. No one is allowed on my slice of ocean paradise unless I say so. A wedding gift from Eliasson, this is my oasis, and I come here for space.
Feet stopping just out of reach on my left, Meredith unceremoniously dropped her slim yet powerful build into the beach chair beside mine.
‘Is it all organised for tonight?’ I asked.
‘Yes, Valare.’
‘Thank the Goddess,’ I said, releasing breath I wasn’t aware I had been holding.
‘It has been some time, Valare. The people are eager for your return.’
‘I know, Mer, I know. I’m eager to return too. You know if I had it my way I would’ve never left.’
‘I know that, Val. The Solistan people know that too. But, this is bigger than all of us.’ Mer’s tone notably softened.
‘Bigger than all of us,’ I muttered. ‘Isn’t that just the story of my fucking life? Ironic really considering I am a queen. How is it still bigger than me? I rule a kingdom, Mer. A quarter of the Fyriane continent. I am by birthright a Salistyan royal. I am tired of being a pawn in all of this mess. I was raised to fight, to use my magic gifted by the Goddess Wystia. Not use my body to ‘make love’ with a king who is too smitten to realise what is going on right under his nose.’
‘You’re not simply collateral damage in all of this, Valare, and you know it. Need I remind you of your tendency for these outbursts?What you are like when the illusion of what you thought your life in the Solista Isles was going to be like enters your mind again? It’s been two years, Val. You’re a queen and have your part to play. Not to mention you’re the most powerful mage alive. Instead of complaining, put your big queen boots on and start playing the game a little better, like we all are. Hell, I’ve had to learn how to be your fucking maid. And Mazyr is a cook for Goddess’ sake.’
Even without looking, I could feel her grimace next to me.
‘You know I love you,’ she continued. ‘But you have no idea the amount of shit I get from the Solistans back home. ‘Meredith, lethally trained Solistan assassin and right-hand to the most powerful Salistyan, now acting as a maid to said powerful Salistyan, more commonly known as the Queen of Arlom.’ We both have our crosses to bear here, girl. I’ve got over mine.’
I shot her a doubtful look, and she screwed up her nose, flicking her straight, shoulder-length brunette hair away from her face. ‘Okay, mostly I’ve got over mine. The sooner you can get over yours, the sooner we can be done with the first move. Here’s to hoping Slaviya will finally tell us what the next steps are. It’s annoying being kept in the dark.’
The first move, how could I forget: kill the King of Arlom. It was the first of a series of predetermined power plays set into motion by my father years ago. At the time it didn’t affect me as I was never supposed to be involved. Hell, I hadn’t even known that there were ulterior motives at play. I was mindlessly living my best life on the Isles, blissfully unaware of the games behind the scenes. That all changed when my parents, the Queen and King of Salistya, and my brother, the heir to the throne, passed away in a shock accident. That was the point my life changed forever.
Their sudden deaths brought utter chaos to Salistya, followed by a swift coronation of my older sister, Slaviya Salistya. Sinceno crowned king or queen can wed another Dom’s royal in order to keep the equilibrium between the Doms of Fyriane, her then impending nuptials to King Eliasson were brought to a quick end.
On the surface, the union was a political move to strengthen ties, as the Queendom of Salistya and Kingdom of Arlom had been left vulnerable in the face of the historically strong relationship between the Kingdom of Marlyst and Queendom of Nyarelle. The recent death of the Marlyst King had brought into question whether this relationship would be maintained with Qynthia Nyarelle, Nyarelle’s Queen. The deaths of monarchs were a notoriously unstable time and had even been known to upend traditionally held relationships.
In the mix of changes as well was the attempt to at least share the Solista Isles between Arlom and Salistya despite the Queendom having refused to give up control of them for centuries. It had long been a source of contention, which made it all the more interesting that Slaviya had gone ahead with this. I can’t help but wonder why she would continue with Father’s plans. It was frustrating, though unsurprising, that she refused to reveal her intentions – sharing was not her strong suit. I just hoped that it would have nothing to do with our little sister, Dwyla, who was currently in the middle of her own Solistan training.
‘It’ll be interesting to see how the Arloman trainees are settling in,’ I mused, following that train of thought.
Meredith quirked a brow in question.
‘Think about it,’ I explained. ‘We were raised knowing that when we turned fourteen, we would move to the Isles and undergo the rigorous training of the Solistan forces. In some ways knowing that prepared us for those first two years of combat. But the Arlomans? Sure, they underwent their own, less extensive, training. But magic? It’s been kept from them. No one outside of Salistya and the Solista Isles knows the secrets of the Isles and that they are the real reason Salistyan’s are exceptional warriors.’
Meredith nodded, pondering. ‘It’s pretty wild to think that Salistya has been able to keep this secret under wraps. Goddess knows how they managed to do that. I don’t really see the point of it.’ A born Solistan, Mer, much like the other Solistans, struggled to understand why Salistya functioned the way it did, having never been to Salistya to experience it herself.
‘Neither’ I agreed. ‘Secrets always come out in the end, one way or another. I’d like to think Slaviya’s push for mine and Eliasson’s union was to right the wrongs of our ancestors, to give back the gift of magic that had been taken from Arlom. But that would be giving her too much credit. She doesn’t think of anyone but herself.’