Page 18 of Pawns of Salistya

Every trainee Sol has the Solistan Assassination Methodology drilled into them in the early years of training. The elite Sol prided themselves on the idea that this methodology, when utilised effectively, underpins every successful assassination. In our case, the first two factors had been played earlier and solidified as time went on. Our disguise was each Sol member posing as palace staff, all placed in different areas for maximum coverage. The deception lay in the union between Eliasson and I, but the last section needed a bit of fine-tuning.

‘I think we should capitalise on the deception more to help with the derail component.’ We all looked at Meredith. She was always the strongest when it came to strategy. After myself, that is.

Meredith steadied her eyes on mine, an apologetic hint in them. ‘It’s quite clear that Eliasson has become attached to you, Val. Some may even go as far as saying he’s in love with you.’

‘Wait, what?’ Looking at the others, it was clear no one else shared my surprise.

‘He’s in love with you, Val,’ Meredith said gently. ‘Fyrel all but confirmed it to me. Even though I didn’t really require that confirmation as it’s plain to see.’

I could see a range of emotions on the faces in front of me. Agreement, pity, deep discomfit, and anger.

I felt a light nudge on my ribs as Amire whispered for my ears only, ‘His motivation for your talk today was not just based on commitment and duties. We both know they can be fulfilled without you being in his bed every night.’

With her words, Amire pulled the blindfold off my eyes, and I could see the light – or rather, the truth. I knew there was physical passion and chemistry there. Hell, I’d be lying if I denied that I didn’t feel it on my end as well. But love? How did I not see that for what it was?Because you didn’t want to acknowledge it, a little voice in my head answered.

It is all your fault.Sir’s whispered words rang in my ears. My heartbeat sped up in response, seeing the words anew.

I let out a few chosen curse words, aimed at myself. ‘Sometimes, I don’t think I’m cut out for this assassin life. It’s an easy role and I’ve missed the biggest clue,’ I muttered, shaking my head.

‘Don’t be silly, Val, of course you are,’ Mazyr comforted me. ‘In all fairness, the first task you’re given is to deceive a king through building an emotional connection with him, and you had to getmarried to do it. It’s an easy assignment to get lost in. I wouldn’t necessarily call it an easy role, and, for lack of a better word, you’re killing it.’ He gave a sheepish grin and came to sit on the other side of me. I was now the meat in a twin sandwich.

I gnawed on my bottom lip, a terrible habit that came out when I couldn’t get a handle on the anxiety swelling within.

‘What are you proposing, Meredith?’ You could always count on Amire to keep us on task.

‘I propose Valare uses her magic to create a realistic break-in scene. She can proclaim Eliasson died saving her. I can make sure Fyrel is out of action for the night.’ She winked at me, playing her part in this discussion perfectly.

‘I love how this plan revolves around your selfless act, Mer. Well done. But I’m not sure that’s going to be very believable with guards stationed outside their quarters, nor position Val well for when she’s interrogated.’ Rynelle shook his head, clear disagreement on his face. He was the pragmatic one in the group, always poking holes in a plan until it was as bulletproof as it could be.

‘I agree with Ry on this one, sorry Mer. There’s still a lot of underlying discontent that Eliasson married a Salistyan. I hear it all the time from nobles strolling through the palace gardens, believing their hushed whispers aren’t heard by others. They don’t trust Valare or her intentions. This would put her further into the spotlight, and I fear any action taken would result in a negative outcome. The last thing we need is an attempted coup immediately after Valare becomes the sole ruler of Arlom. We’d have ended up placing her in a compromising position where she may have to use her magic. Then they’ll be calling her a witch and it’ll impact the Arloman teens who come back home with their magic. It will undermine the work laid out for whatever comes next. Slaviya would then have our heads on sticks.’ Amire shuddered.

I could sit here and tell Amire not to worry about my sister, but the reality is that she technically does report to Slaviya and is supposedly loyal to the Salistyan Queendom, and therefore at risk of any grisly punishment my sister would see fit to mete out.

‘Granted everything runs smoothly, the Forum lasts two weeks. I don’t think we should make any moves in the first week and a half. I need to focus on the King of Marlyst and the sudden death of another royal isn’t going to help solidify relations when I’d be expected to partake in the week of mourning.’

It was an Arlom custom to spend a week mourning a loved one, and it was expected for those partaking in the week of mourning to stay locked inside their residence. Goddess knows when it happens I’ll be staying out of the public eye, but I won’t be staying indoors. My magic would have a field day, itching to be let out. No, by that time, I feel I’ll be deserving of a nice, long, Solista Isles holiday.

‘Poisoning is a viable option,’ I continued. ‘Efficient, effective and can easily be traced back to an individual who is unfortunate enough to be around at the time.’ But something wasn’t sitting right with this option.

‘But?’ Mazyr questioned.

‘But my knowing is telling me it is not how it should be done.’ I shrugged.

‘So, what do you suggest?’ Mazyr asked, not bothering to question my rationale.

‘Well, I may have been mulling over a plan,’ I admitted sheepishly.

Rynelle rolled his eyes. ‘Of course you have.’

At the same time, Mazyr chuckled while Amire shook her head, exasperated.

I ignored them. ‘This is what we are going to do.’

I outlined the plan, highlighting roles and responsibilities, placing emphasis on each of their whereabouts at the time ofthe assassination. After finishing, I sat back, my arms behind my head and feeling satisfied as I took in their awestruck faces at the elaborate plan.

‘Not bad,’ Rynelle said, his raised eyebrows the only physical giveaway that he was impressed. He was always a tough one to please, but his lack of questions meant I’d done a thorough job.

‘So, you want to tell me again that you’re not cut out to be an assassin?’ Mazyr drawled, playfully nudging me with his elbow.