Page 17 of Pawns of Salistya

Over and over these recent encounters repeated in my head, fuelling my growing anxiety and knowing that something was coming.

‘Valare? Verbal confirmation would be the appropriate action right now.’ He sounded pissed. How long had I been lost in my thoughts for?

‘Yes,’ I squeaked before clearing my throat. ‘Yes, Eliasson, I’ll do what needs to be done.’

With a satisfied smile, Eliasson pulled me towards him, pressing his lips firmly to mine. I melted into him, arms looping around his neck pulling him closer, trying to shut my mind out from everything that was catching up to me. Trying to play the diplomatic wife. Tryingbut, ultimately, feeling like I was failing.

Sometime later, we walked back to the palace. On my way, I passed Amire. The sympathetic look she gave me was confirmation enough.

Things were about to get messy.

Chapter 7

‘Oh, here she is. Queen Valare Arlom has arrived. Everyone bow before Your Tardy Highness,’ Mazyr taunted as I landed on the Isles’ Training Island.

‘You know, he was starting to question my ability to send a simple message, Valare. Not cool,’ Rynelle teased as he sat on a massive boulder, quickly twisting a dagger around in his hand, the blade glinting in the light. He ran his other hand through the top of his hair, scratching the side that was buzzed almost to his scalp.

‘How many times did I tell you to say 9pm on the note instead of 10pm. But no, no one listens to the best friend.’ Meredith sighed, looking exasperated as she leant againsta tall willow tree.

‘My darling Amire, would you like to put your coppers worth in, while we’re at it?’ I walked towards Amire and took the seat next to her, completely undeterred by the jokes thrown my way from my tight-knit Sol family. These assholes weren’t to know that I had honestly tried to get here on time. Turns out negotiating to stay in my quarters didn’t sit as well with Eliasson as I had thought. He had all but demanded my presence in his bed immediately after dinner. Judging from his lengthy performance, I was guessing tiring me out to the point of sleep was his end game. I then had to wait for him to fall asleep before using my magic to ensure he remained in a deep slumber long enough for me to get back before he woke up. The wife life isn’t easy.

‘I’m good. Considering the conversation I heard earlier today, I’m quite impressed you were even able to make it tonight,’ Amire replied sympathetically, while also throwing me in the deep end.

‘What conversation?’ Mazyr asked, forever the busybody.

I groaned. ‘It doesn’t matter, it’s not relevant to what we’re discussing now.’ Honestly, I just wanted a distraction from the events of today, not to rehash them.

‘Amire don’t make me –’ Mazyr started.

‘Enough! You’re not pulling that twin magic shit,’ I growled.

Four pairs of concerned eyes landed on me, followed by complete silence.

‘We’re here to discuss our plan for how we’re going to kill Eliasson. Then I have somewhere else to be. So, let’s focus on the task at hand.’ All playfulness had left my voice. My directive was met with four stern nods.

I began to relay the information I’d received regarding the Royal Forum, the Marlyst King and Eliasson’s expectations of me, minus the heir talk.

Rynelle nodded, oddly seeming pleased with that information. ‘Mazyr, Amire and I managed to get away to Salistya yesterday. Queen’s orders. She’s getting toey, insisting the assassination takes place before the end of the Royal Forum. That way, all Dom representatives are in the same location and could be pinned as the suspect. So we will need to do it in a way that could be done by anyone.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me she ordered you to visit?’ I asked, offended they didn’t bother to tell me, but also feeling a familiar tingle of unease grow. I had thought I was taking too many precautions, keeping my true plans just between Mer and I. But maybe my unshakeable knowing there was more going on meant there was some weight behind the unease, some unknown shifting loyalty slowly making itself known to my subconscious.

As a group, we were in an odd situation about who it is we answer to overall. I’m technically loyal to the Kingdom of Arlom, seeing as I am its Queen. But as Sol, we were all loyal to Solista above all else. As that sits under the Queendom of Salistya, we were supposed to be loyal to and answer to Salistya. But the Solistan people, including Mer, don’t recognise Slaviya as their ruler, apparently, deeming me deserving their allegiance despite technically being an Arloman. Further complicating it is the fact that, as the leader, the four members of my Sol should answer to me. For three of them to have been summoned without my knowledge, and without thinking to tell me, added an unknown element to an already complex web. And I really didn’t need to be questioning my Sol’s loyalty with things beginning to be set in motion.

‘You’ve been busy, and I knew we’d see you tonight. Considering there was nothing of great importance, we didn’t think it would be a big deal.’ Rynelle shrugged, toying with his lip piercing. His lip caught on the spiked end of the metal, a lick of blood beading up.His tongue swiped over the red trail, laving his cut lip and clearly revelling in the stinging sensation.

I didn’t miss the wary glance Mer threw my way at his comment. Apparently, I’m not the only one uneasy about this situation.

Deciding the last thing I needed was a blow up between my Sol, I let the issue slide, storing the information for later examination. ‘Alright, in the future please let me know of any correspondence with Slaviya. I prefer, where possible, to not be on the back foot with her.’

I received a curt nod in response which did nothing to settle the anxiety creeping in. Why would Slaviya contact my Sol directly? As a courtesy and as the leader, she should have informed me.

Never one to disappoint, and sensing the awkward silence, Mazyr simply said, ‘Well, if we’re throwing out killing ideas to get things moving, you all know I’m a big fan of poison and I’m in a great position to execute it. Pardon the pun.’ He winked at me.

As expected, we burst into laughter, successfully breaking the tension.

‘Let’s start at the beginning with the methodology.’ I cleared my throat, wanting to focus on the task at hand.

‘Disguise. Deceive. Derail,’Amire stated.