Page 16 of Pawns of Salistya

‘Inany way?’ My jaw dropped in shock. I felt Amire’s body stiffen at the insinuation at the same time, clearly still within hearing distance for a mage. Maybe I had read him wrong this whole time. Maybe he was like the men I grew up with in the Queendom, not seeing an issue with using a woman’s body in whichever way it pleases them.

‘What is that look for – oh! Not like that Valare, what do you take me for? A man who is comfortable with using his woman’s body to further himself? Absolutely not. You are my wife. Goddess, that is despicable to even think that.’

I couldn’t help but sigh out a breath of relief at his genuinely appalled reaction.

‘It’s not like I haven’t seen it done before,’ I muttered quietly, feeling defensive. Memories of my mother crying in her room, broken over my father’s actions, flooded my mind. The sounds of fighting, her screams, his shouts, orders to do what he was tellingher. I shuddered, staring pointedly at the arch behind Eliasson. I may put on a good front, but deep down I hold an intense aversion to conflict that even my training hadn’t been able to completely eradicate. It didn’t take a genius to work out why, not with my horrid upbringing, which Eliasson proved even with his limited knowledge.

Fingers grabbed my chin, inching it up to hold his gaze. ‘I am not Salistyan, nor am I anything like your father. Please remember that always, Valare.’

I refused to cry, trying to not let my mental armour crack. Not in front of him.

My responsive nod must have been deemed satisfactory as he moved his hand away to assemble another scone to my specifications. I took the momentary distraction to lock down the lingering thoughts of my mother.

He waited until I had taken a bite of the scone he held out before saying, ‘Now that’s settled, moving on to the next topic of conversation. I would like to discuss you moving into my quarters permanently.’

Woah! Fucking asshole with his timing forcing me to chew and actually think about my response before blatantly denying his request or risk choking on scone.

I swallowed the scone and the lump in my throat, calling upon all my restraint not to yell at him every reason under the sun why that wasn’t a good idea, starting with the simple fact that I like my own space and I hate sharing a bed. Oh, and I needed space to plan his demise, but probably best not to mention that.

With all the diplomacy I could muster, I kept my tone even as I enquired, ‘And where has the need for this discussion arisen from?’

‘Well, we’ve just celebrated our first anniversary. Some space was an understandable request to have as you became accustomed to yournew home, the Arloman culture and way of living. I respected that when you first moved in. Now I feel we’ve got to know each other on many levels and aren’t strangers as we once were. But I think we should re-look at our commitments and duties as the rulers of this Kingdom. I feel that, if we were to sleep in the same quarters, we’d have more opportunity to work towards fulfilling those duties.’ His eyes took in my body, landing on my stomach.

Fuck. He wanted an heir. He wanted an heir, and he wanted it soon. In the foreseeable future. Not long-term anymore but short-term.


‘And by duties, you mean …’ I trailed off, wanting to hear him say what he was implying.

‘We need to start trying for an heir.’

Alright, this was not ideal. I couldn’t come off the contraceptive remedy, ever. I wasn’t sure I wanted children, much less with the man who’s supposed to be out of the picture soon.

‘I understand we have commitments to uphold, one of those being an heir. But do you think this is really the right timing, considering we’ll both be distracted with the Royal Forum? Also, is it reallynecessary for us to be in the same quarters? I don’t think anyone could accuse us of not having ample practice in creating an heir.’ I smirked seductively at my last comment, trailing my hand up his thigh in the hopes it would distract him.

He placed his hand on top of mine, intertwining our fingers and stopping my deliberate movements. ‘I’m not saying we need to try tomorrow, Valare, only that we need to start planning. I think it’s reasonable to start once the Royal Forum has concluded and the royals have left. As to our sleeping arrangements, I have been lenient enough.’

Right. Looks like no distractions are going to work which leaves me with negotiation as my only option. But first, flattery.

‘You’re being very reasonable Eliasson, so I can agree to trying for an heir. As to our sleeping arrangements, you know I don’t sleep well when I share a bed, and I think with everything at stake it wouldn’t be a strategic move. I should be at my sharpest when conversing with Xylan and his entourage. Having said this, I’ll agree to move into your quarters once the Royal Forum is over and life goes back to normal.’

I had to buy myself time. My Sol hadn’t even discussed our strategy for move number one, having been focussed on assimilating to the Arlom culture and setting ourselves up here. I need to be able to stay in my own room for this to work.

‘I’m not happy about the sleeping arrangements, Valare,’ Eliasson warned. ‘It’s embarrassing to think my wife doesn’t want to sleep next to me at night. What would others say if they knew?’

‘Happy wife, happy life?’ I jokingly replied.

Eliasson let out a frustrated breath. ‘Your wit is one of the things I love and despise about you, Val.’

He was quiet for a while, mulling over what I said. ‘Fine. I trust you’ll do your part and advise the healer of the decision to stop your contraceptive within the next two weeks.’

Stop the contraceptive remedy within the next two weeks.

This is all your fault.

Bright fuchsia eyes.

Knowledge finds those who are meant to see, Valare.