‘You do not repeat this encounter to anyone. If you do, I will serve your head on a platter. Mark my words,’ I threatened.
The woman smirked, a glint of approval in her eyes. ‘Until we meet again, Queen.’
‘There you are!’ Eliasson put his arms around me and pulled my back into his chest. ‘Sorry I took so long, time just got away. Doyou want to go get some of those plants for the garden?’ he asked, kissing my cheek.
I continued to stare at her, my threat in my eyes. Credit to her, though, she didn’t break eye contact once.
Mentally shaking off the events of the last however many minutes, I smiled at Eliasson, kissing him while placing one of my hands on the black book in my bag. I envisioned the only place I knew the book would be safe. A second later, my hand felt empty air.
‘Yes, let’s go get some plants.’
I turned around and took his hand as we walked back to the main street to be instantly engulfed in the busy crowd, all while feeling the burning stare of those orange eyes in the back of my head.
After a few more hours at the markets, we trudged back to the palace, both of our hands full with plants. I was excited to add to the collection in my quarters. We walked straight to the back, entering the royal gardens.
To the left, the kitchen door was strategically placed next to the large, sprawling vegetable gardens. We followed the path through the gardens, taking in the variety of produce ready for harvest just in time for the Royal Forum. I caught eyes with Mazyr in his chef’s outfit, picking some vegetables in the garden. We childishly poked our tongues out at one another behind Eliasson’s back.
In the middle of this part of the gardens, a path branched out from the left directing pedestrians through to its centre. Eliasson gave my arm a soft nudge and nod in that direction. I obliged, taking the turn to walk deeper into the gardens, a comfortable silence falling around us.
We walked under a hedged archway that spanned out to create a huge circle shielding the centre of the garden. It was completely private, away from peering eyes, unless someone were to venture down one of the four archways leading off in different directions.
Eventually, we stepped out of the lengthy walkway to an area housing a pond. My eyes darted to the statue of the Goddess Wystia in the middle of the pond. Water was trickling out like a waterfall from the palms of her outstretched hands, and in front of the water feature was a blanket and a woven basket which could only be filled with food.
A smile spreading on my face, I zoned in on the bottle of wine and two glasses next to the basket. Excited, I hurried towards the blanket, gently placing the plants and bag down before taking a seat.
Eliasson released a soft chuckle. ‘It doesn’t take much to make you happy, does it?’ Shaking his head with a smile on his face, he placed his lot of plants next to mine before sinking onto the blanket next to me.
‘Can you blame me? They weren’t jesting when they told me wine from Arlom is hands down the best in all the Doms.’
‘I guess we have the Goddess to thank for our fertile lands and desirable climate. And also the fact that we are the only Dom that makes wine.’
Planting a quick kiss on my lips, Eliasson reached back to grab the bottle, pouring an equal amount in each glass before handing me one.
‘To the Goddess Wystia,’ I said, lifting my glass.
‘And the Kingdom of Arlom,’ he added, clinking our glasses before taking a sizeable swig.
‘So, what do I owe the pleasure of your company for a whole day, husband?’ I asked, getting straight to the point.
Sighing, Eliasson looked around and noticed Amire appear inside one of the walkways, pruning away at the hedge. Apparently satisfied she was out of earshot, though I knew better, he turned his gaze back to me. ‘Can it not simply be that I want to spend time with my beloved?’
My eyes narrowed. ‘Although I believe that’s true, I also know you well enough to hedge my bets against that being the sole reason for this.’
Eliasson opened his mouth to refute my statement, but I held my hand up before he could proceed.
‘I tell you what. If I open this basket and there aren’t warm scones with freshly whipped cream and my favourite raspberry jam, I’ll apologise for thinking ill of your intentions.’ He knew I loved baked goods, even more so when raspberries were involved. This would be obvious that he was trying to get me on side for something.
He looked guilty before I even moved towards the basket. ‘Valare –’
‘I don’t even need to look, do I?’ Of course, I still looked. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.
My eyes fluttered closed, the smell of freshly baked scones taking over my senses. ‘You never play fucking fair,’ I moaned, diving into the basket, lathering a scone with a healthy amount of cream and jam before devouring it.
I reached into the basket for a second helping but Eliasson pushed my hands away. ‘Allow me.’
Well, if he was going to ask something of me that I didn’t like, I may as well make him earn it.
I leaned back on my hands, watching his meticulous application of the condiments. ‘It needs more cream. What’s a scone without an equal amount of cream?’ I thought I had trained him better than this.