Turning to him, I responded. ‘I have no issues with that, however, I would like to politely remind you of our ongoing agreement in relation to night-time activities.’
Fyrel raised an eyebrow, clearly having not been briefed on our agreement and thinking the worst. ‘Seriously, Valare? You can’t keep it in your pants for a couple of weeks?’
An amused smile and blasé shrug of my shoulders was the only response I gave him. Eliasson meanwhile let out a growl. ‘Fyrel, what Valare does and does not do with her pants is no one’s concern but my own.’
Oh Goddess, why did the hint of possessiveness just dosomething to my insides, even coming from Eliasson?
This is all your fault.Sir’s voice rang in my ears. I subtly shook my head, releasing those thoughts from my mind.
‘Now that that’s sorted,’ Eliasson continued, ‘Fyrel, since it’s only two weeks away, I’ll leave you to communicate to the wider Kingdom that the dates have been confirmed. My darling Valare, will I leave it to you to discuss arrangements with Meredith for the other royal quarters?’ It wasn’t missed by either Fyrel or I that his direction was an order and mine was a question.
I shot Fyrel a triumphant, taunting smile. ‘Of course, darling, I can take care of that. Unless, of course, you’d like to Fyrel?’ I replied innocently. ‘I know how much you lovebeing on top of all things Meredith.’ My smile turned into a full, wicked grin.
‘Valare,’ Eliasson cautioned.
‘Fuckyou and your smart-ass mouth, Valare,’ Fyrel raged, giving into his frustration and cutting off what was most definitely going to be Eliasson telling me off. But I didn’t care. I had won this round.
‘Sorry, Fyrel, but you’re just not my type, sweetie. But then again, the feeling’s mutual, isn’t it?’ I threw him a wink. Before he could respond, I continued. ‘You seem sotouchyabout this subject, Fyrel, so don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll have a chat to Meredith.’ The emphasis on touchy did not go unnoticed.
He released a deep, frustrated breath. Rage shimmered in his eyes. Damn, classic Meredith. Always drawn to the high-strung ones I loved to poke at.
‘I don’t know how you put up with that little wench. Twenty minutes in her company is twenty minutes too long, as far as I’m concerned,’ Fyrel said, deciding to ignore me and talking directly to Eliasson.
I cupped my mouth like a megaphone. ‘For the record, you grumpy bastard, I can hear you.’
Eliasson simply laughed. ‘If you two weren’t so entertaining, I think twenty minutes watching this back and forth would be too long for me. Anything else to report?’
‘No, that was all. Am I dismissed? It doesn’t matter how good this breakfast is, it’s not worth it to be in her company for a minute longer,’ Fyrel complained.
I rolled my eyes. So damn dramatic.
‘Yes, Fyrel, you’re dismissed,’ Eliasson conceded.
Without a second glance, Fyrel was up and out of the room before you could say small dick energy.
I released a snicker, unable to hold it back any longer. Honestly, if the guy hadn’t been such an outright dick to me since I got here, I might have felt bad. Okay, let’s be honest, probably not. But I do enjoy that he can’t completely hate me because of both Eliasson and now Meredith. It feels good holding the trump card, and even better that he knows I do.
‘Valare,’ Eliasson started.
I cut him off. ‘Eliasson, we have two options here. Now, I’m going to preface this by saying I much prefer the second option.’
He stared at me, waiting, amusement in his eyes and fighting off a smile.
‘One, you tell me again why I should be nice to him and how the only way to rebuild a relationship – which would require a relationship in the first place – is to be the bigger person and show kindness, so that kindness would eventually be shown in return. Which, knowing both mine and Fyrel’s personalities, we would both rather walk over hot coals between Amarald and the Solista Isles than do that.’
Eliasson opened his mouth to respond, but I raised a finger to silence him.
‘Option two,’ I continued, ‘You remember the feelings I stirred in you when I walked through the door today, add a dash of your exasperation towards me for being the gorgeous, irritatingly witty specimen that I am, and take me back to our quarters before we carry on with our day.’
By the time I’d finished my proposition, Eliasson’s eyes had zeroed in on my left thigh which I had subtly crossed over my right to reveal a healthy amount of skin.
With a rough clearing of his throat, Eliasson came over and scooped me up into his arms. I released a surprised shriek, throwing my arms around his neck before he dove in to place a scorching kiss on my lips.
‘I think the second option will suffice for today,’ he said, before heading out of the dining room towards our quarters.
My laugh followed us throughout the palace, the picture of Eliasson moving swiftly with me in his arms enough to stop workers from their tasks. My gaze collided with three familiar, mossy green sets of eyes as we passed. Two of them held a mix of wariness and understanding, but the last set of eyes ... My laugh stumbled for a split second before I forced myself to continue like nothing had happened. The sweep of his fringe partly covering those eyes didn’t hide the defeated, possessive look or the more than a flicker of anger there.
Closing my eyes, I turned my head towards Eliasson, burrowing into his neck and pushing all other thoughts other than the feeling of him away. I had a role to play as the Queen of Arlom, and no one could argue I wasn’t playing my part well.