Still, I’d shed more tears than I could count over my boy. I knew Damien was terrified. If Joseph had one of what I called his attacks, then the little boy had to be scared blind of his own father. However, I knew given Damien was the heir apparent, he wouldn’t be harmed. That was the only thing keeping me sane at this point.
I headed into the kitchen, finding Jeff there. The two huge men with tattoos and short cropped hair didn’t bother me in the least. They were polite, seemed to genuinely like Gage, and had been diligent in the two plus hours since the man I was falling hard for had been gone.
He was the one who seemed startled, lifting his head from the iPad he’d been using. “Miss Weathers. I’ll get out of your space.”
“Nonsense. This isn’t my house. You know it better than I do.”
He half smiled. “I’ve been here a couple times.”
I knew more than that.
“How long have you and Gage been friends?”
“Since we were kids,” he admitted. “A little punk on the playground. He won’t admit it, but I had to keep bullies off him. I think I was born six foot five.”
“That must have come in handy.”
He grinned and I liked his smile. “Yeah, I think it did. He tutored me on algebra and English, which helped me graduate. It was a win-win for all.”
“Is guarding people tough?”
The way he took a deep breath seemed as if I’d struck a nerve. “No, but losing them is. It didn’t matter who they were. It wasn’t just a job to me. It was personal.”
“I’m sorry.”
“The truth is losing folks comes with the job. However, it makes you try that much harder not to allow it to happen. Don’t worry. You’ve had the best men working to keep you safe.”
“I’m not worried, at least not while I’m here. But they are some sick people.”
“I know. But as my mama always told me. Good always wins out over evil.”
It was my turn to smile. “I hope you mama is right. I miss my little boy.”
“In no time he’ll be back in your arms. Underneath that suave bullshit Gage flashes is a man with raw substance. He might be a little deranged himself.” His grin was nearly infectious.
“Me? Deranged?”
When I heard Gage’s voice, a little swooning effect occurred in my body. “What took you so long, honey?”
“Well, the ball and chain had orders for me to stop at the store.” He brought in a huge bag full of items and all I could do was smile. I was kidding about the ice cream, but I had a feeling he’d taken me seriously.
“This ball and chain?” I pointed to myself.
“Oh, yeah. That one right there with the cute dimples.” Gage’s face suddenly turned serious. “Any instances?”
Now it was all business.
Jeff shook his head. “Very quiet. We were easily able to establish some perimeter security measures that will provide additional protection. Incidentally, I had to call animal control. A bear with a gunshot wound lumbered into our way.”
The guy was grinning. “Oops,” I said.
Gage’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah, well, long story and we’ll chat about it one day. Right now, things are getting a little heated. We’re leaving tomorrow to head to Connecticut, and I’d like your team, all the men you can spare to come with us. Possible?”
I stared at him. The plan had been made, which was fine, but one way or the other, I was going. Period. Whether he wanted me to or not.
“Yeah. I have a few other men I can call on. Did something happen?”
“Just a gut feeling since it’s all quiet on the eastern front.”