“Life is dangerous business—few indeed get out of it alive.”
—Elbert Hubbard
Life itself was dangerous business. I’d known that just by going with my father to his office a couple of times when I’d been fairly little. Between the traitorous employees, the ruthless corporations vying for portions of my father’s business, and the hours involved, the work of a CEO and owner could be brutal.
Yes, thankfully, with three people running both companies plus the resorts, the workloads were spread, but I’d already started wondering whether a second tier of highly trustworthy people could be hired, trained, and put into place not only to provide assistance but for an eventual future when all of us wanted to take a real step back. I was the youngest, not yet forty, but that didn’t mean I didn’t see the value of taking time off.
Especially when it could mean that soon I’d have a family. At least as I adjusted my tie, grabbing my sunglasses, I was able to smile. Was that something she might want? Hell, I thought so, but I wasn’t entirely certain.
“You look handsome,” Evangeline said from the doorway of my home office.
“You think so?”
“You’re going to fry given the heat, but you look marvelous, darling.”
We both walked closer to each other where she promptly adjusted the knot on my tie ‘her’ way.
“You need to keep in mind it remains a lovely eighty or so in San Diego this time of year.”
“Beautiful, I must admit, and with the ocean breeze coming in, I can’t lie this is one of the most gorgeous places on earth.”
I was happy to hear her say that. Before either one of us could say anything, both Jeff and Ron popped in, still on the job and they would be for at least a few hours given their late arrival.
“Now, I want you to meet a couple people I’ve worked with and known quite personally over the years. Jeff Tyler, Ron Reynolds, this is Evangeline Weathers. Your… ward for a lack of a better word.”
She turned around to face them. At least she had a smile on her face. “Their ward? What am I, seventeen?”
“No, you are a highly sought after woman and not in a good way. They have military and security training. They’ve hired men they trust and that I also know who are going to provide twenty-four/seven security. This meeting I’m attending won’t last long but I want to ensure nothing happens. I assure you they know what they are doing. Don’t hesitate to track one of them down should you need something. Here is a burner phone that can’t be tracked with Jeff and Ron’s number. Mine as well.”
“Where’s my phone?” she asked innocently enough.
“Do you honestly think given the technology and money at their fingertips the cult leaders didn’t find a way of placing trackers on phones?”
It hadn’t seemed to dawn on her. “Oh, shit. I never thought about that.”
“They are very sophisticated systems used today, Miss Weathers,” Jeff told her. “They use what the military does because with money you can buy anything. I’ll need to check every item you brought with you to ensure there’s not a wayward tracker on anything else.”
“It won’t take long. I just brought a purse, but I purchased that much later after I left the commune.”
“Still,” he continued. “Better safe than sorry.”
“Whatever you need.”
I breathed a sigh of relief she was being agreeable. “You can go outside to the pool. They will be guarding the area, but you can’t just take a walk.”
“I’ll also be installing some pretty sophisticated tracking systems that can’t be detected,” Ron added. “A little military goodie that is amazing.”
“That’s great to hear,” I told them. “They can come and go in the house and I’ve already informed Emily, Camilia, and Juan with a limited version of what’s going on. It’s business as usual and I highly doubt anyone will attempt an attack in the middle of the day, but we must be prepared for anything.”
“Understood. They are dangerous. Men and women have disappeared and I’ve searched for them.” Her eyes were still full of sadness.
“Well, we’re going to see if we can stop their dangerous activity very soon. As I said, I’ll be back as quickly as I can. We’re putting the final pieces of a plan together. You and I can try and enjoy tonight.”
Evangeline nodded. “Be careful yourself.”