Yelling at the top of my lungs.
He didn’t laugh, didn’t chastise me, simply doled out maybe five more, finally tossing the belt aside. “I think you’ve had enough and learned your lesson. However, I won’t hesitate to do this again if necessary. Anything to keep you safe. Anything.”
I believed him and in some crazy way, I was grateful he cared so much.
Gage was an easy man to fall hard for. Not just because of his outward appearance or the fact he seemed to care so deeply, but also because of his brain.
He was as intelligent as any man I’d met.
My thoughts remained muddled as I rubbed my aching bottom. It would be interesting to finally meet his brothers.
After a couple of minutes, he helped me to my feet, pulling me close and rubbing strings of hair from my face. “I never want you hurt. You do understand that. Right?”
I nodded, rising onto my tiptoes and kissing his forehead and nose.
Of course, that resulted in a full blown and heated moment of passion.
The man could kiss like no other.
Just the way he swept his tongue inside or the way he wrapped his arm around my waist so possessively was one of the most incredible feelings in the world. It was like having a big bear growling at all the other predators after marking you with his scent. I was still on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck. Every muscle in his body was sculpted, including the thick cords on both sides.
What I adored perhaps more than anything was the softness of his curls, the long eyelashes that framed his chiseled face. Oh, and his voluptuous lips that were rosy red and meant for doing what we were doing.
Then again, how could I ignore how stiff his cock became every time we were intimate? He was just a powerhouse of a man and I was a lucky girl.
Even if it was just for the moment.
After sucking on his tongue, his light growls permeating past our locked lips, he pulled away, backing me toward the bed once again.
“Now, I need you to get some sleep. Can you do that for me? I am going nowhere except to make one last phone call. I need to ensure the men in my employ are planning on arriving soon.”
I pouted although in truth I wasn’t worried or frightened. “Oh, of course. I assure you I learned a very valuable lesson.”
“What’s that, sunshine?”
“Don’t tangle with a bear.”
He lightly swatted me on the butt before easing me onto the soft sheets, waiting until my legs were underneath then tucking me in like a good girl.
I’d never felt so taken care of in my life and I couldn’t lie to myself.
It felt damn good.
I had the distinct feeling I would have delicious dreams about the man tonight.
To say I was furious was a heavy understatement. Yes, I was angry with her given her stupid act of defiance. Saving a fucking dog? I couldn’t help but snort as I walked down the stairs. She could have gotten herself killed over what?
But my heavy rage was directed toward Joseph first, the elders after that. They all deserved to be forced on the same kind of primal hunt.
Maybe that’s exactly what I would end up doing after catching, imprisoning, beating, and starving them for days. No, weeks. What was happening wasn’t atrocious. It wasn’t just criminal.
It was perhaps the most heinous act of torture I’d ever heard about.
And I’d been privy to tons of ridiculous stories, some on the news.
I just hit the bottom step when a light tap on the door drew my attention. The camera brought some relief. I flicked off the system and opened the door.