Page 71 of Royal Pain

That’s when I heard a slight but continuous beep.

What the hell?

All I had to do was look over at the bed to realize Evangeline had something to do with trying to turn off the system. I hadn’t fullyexplained it because I didn’t want her trying. What the fuck was the girl doing out of bed in the first place?

The moment I roared to my feet, a light over my shoulder caught my attention. Had someone broken in? No, she’d gone outside.

Without permission.

Damn it. What the hell was I going to do with her?

I cursed the entire time I yanked open one of my dresser drawers, grabbing a pair of jeans. Throwing open the closet door, I pulled out a pair of tennis shoes I could just slide my feet into. With the gun in my hand, I raced down the stairs.

The door was cracked, the alarm system indicating a breach. I was going to spank that girl until she couldn’t sit down for a fucking week.

As soon as I threw open the door, I could hear her squealing or moaning. I was uncertain which one. At least the horrible sound gave me a direction to race toward. I ran as fast as I could, rounding a bend and hearing her slight scream.

Within seconds, a blur of activity managed to catch my eye.

And not in a good way.

The bad girl was racing in my direction, more terrified shrieks coming from her and what was following? A fucking bear. A bear? There was a part of me that wanted to stand in awe for the fact she’d tangled with a bear, but this was a serious and highly dangerous situation. There was no time to react as maybe I should.

I shot the damn thing.

Granted, it wasn’t a kill shot but it wounded the beast. I was certain when he reared up and roared he was going to charge.

“Don’t you kill him!” she screamed from behind me.

She had to be kidding me. She was almost the bear’s delicious snack and she didn’t want me to kill it?

“Stay back, Evangeline. I’ll deal with you later.”

“You’re a bully!”

All I could do was sigh. I yelled at the bear and thankfully, he dropped onto all fours, lumbering into the woods. I’d need to call animal control, but they wouldn’t open for a few hours.

And I was pissed.

When I spun around, at least she sensed she hadn’t made the best choice, her eyes opening wide.

“What the fuck did you think you were doing?” I demanded.

“I… I had to get water. I was thirsty. Parched actually. The system blipped and I wanted to see. I thought it was a hurt dog caught in something. You might not be, but I’m an animal lover. I had to try and help.”

I think I coughed or maybe I laughed. “Wait a minute. You believed a big bear was a dog needing help?”

“Okay. Maybe I was sleepy but yes, I did. Sue me.”

She was standing in my robe, looking drowned in it. Her feet were bare, her hair disheveled, her hands firmly planted on her hips and she’d just told me to sue her?

I’d seen and heard a lot of shit in my life, but this took the cake.

“I’m going to do one better than that.” I clicked on the safety, shoved the weapon in the back waistband of my jeans and advanced.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

“This.” I easily tossed her over my shoulder. I was having no more of her antics.