I’d always been appreciative of the fact both Valerio and Braxton had taken to my mother after they’d lost theirs. Things could have been dicey as hell, very uncomfortable since they were so young. But we’d become a family. I never wanted to forget about that. It was rare.
“Yeah, but that means you’ll know how to break through the barriers too. I might head back to the States in a few days. Just depends on how it goes.”
“I think the islands can run themselves for a little while. Good to hear from you, brother. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I’m here. The bastard is in Connecticut. What the hell could I do?” I had to grin.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for your help. I feel cut off down here sometimes.”
“I understand. I’ll work some magic.”
The phone call had been tough. I liked to handle things by myself. I always had. He was right. My mother would remain tenacious, like a bulldog. That’s exactly what I planned on doing.
The knock on my door thankfully dragged me out of the desire to kill the man. Just seeing his conceited picture with his arm draped over two women was enough to boil my blood. They were divorced yet he still wanted to mess with Evangeline.
Fuck him.
She was mine.
The thought was startling. I was dominating and possessive but I wasn’t certain how she’d feel about that.
Travis walked in. He would hopefully be able to determine some additional answers I needed. “Whatcha need, boss?”
He looked exhausted for the first time in a long time. Then again, I think I did as well after the enjoyable time spent the night before. “You look terrible.”
“Oh, thanks. Let’s just say those women are the bane of my existence. No more stripper parties. I found panties and bras all over the ballroom.”
How could I not laugh? “Well, that’s how you run a party. Look, I need some info on the downlow if you can get it.”
“I’ve narrowed this down to two possibilities. Heidi Winston, the bride and Kristen Matthews, another girl from the bachelorette party. The only reason they got an invitation to the island was because of a very powerful member who had some passes stored up. I need to know who that person is.”
“Okay. I should be able to handle that fairly easily. They had a sponsor name before they got on the plane.” Travis scratched his head. “Out of curiosity, why?”
“I just have a bad feeling about the guy. I don’t know why.”
“When you have a bad feeling, horrible things happen. Ouch.”
He could always make me laugh. He knew me too well. I didn’t take crap very well. “Something else. I’m bringing a guest downstairs this evening.”
“Oh?” His entire face lit up. “That never happens.”
“Yeah, well, I can’t help myself. And don’t worry. I took care of the social media issue.”
“The same girl. Wow. You work fast.”
“I just… Look, keep this between us.”
He actually acted as if he was zipping his lips. I thought only girls did that. “Mum is the word. Let me see what I can find for you. Do you want a room reserved?”
“Eh. She’s totally green. She’s the kind of girl who thinks it’s all abusive.” Now I think I knew why. I’d be worried too. The last thing I was going to do was push her, but I sensed she needed to break free of her chains.
“Okay. Let me know if you change your mind.”
“Will do.”